Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Break out

Break her out, Lord. What ever she's going through, I pray that you break her out. You can do it because YOU are the God of breakthrough. No eye has seen nor ear has heard, or heart can comprehend all the great things that God has for us. I know in my hear that God has great things prepared for her.  Shift things in her life, Lord. Pour out your blessings and favor over her.  Touch her life, change situations. Personal struggles, dreams that have fallen away...I pray that You will blow those embers and ignite that passion of a dead dream- spark a fire.  I pray that she will begin to see how valuable she is

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Just a couple of prayers

I pray that every day when she wakes up that she would know she is needed in all aspects of her life. Lord, I also pray that you will surround her with other Godly women that can pour into and encourage her.  I also pray that she would have joy even when happiness is not always present. I know that last one is a tough one, I'm still working on it myself.

Sunday, July 6, 2014


Right now I pray for her destiny. Her destiny in Christ. I bind those things that hinder her from reaching her full potential in You. I pray right now that she's becoming a mighty woman of God. 

Thursday, July 3, 2014


Father God, I come to You tonight in prayer. I pray that Your Holy Spirit will rain down and drench her, helping her to gain clarity on any decisions she needs to make.  I pray that You will answer her when she calls out to You.  Your word says we have not because we ask not, so I pray she won't be afraid to ask You.  Throughout these decisions, I pray she will keep her eyes fixed on you (Heb 12:2) because You are the source! You are the provider! My God supplies all of my needs according to his riches and glory! (Phil 4:19)

And Lord, surround her with Your protection.  Protect her from all harm as Your word states in Psalms 121:7.

Thank you Lord, Amen and Amen!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Another prayer for her

I pray she is a light in the darkest place and that you are illuminating her path. Show her the path, Lord. Light her way. Guide her. No difficulty in life is too overwhelming for You, God, because we know when we pray in confidence that You are just enough to answer.

Lord, right now I pray for any emotional healing she may need. You are our Redeemer. You will redeem all things! You restore what we've lost! Take the hurt, the pain, the scars and heal all the brokenness. Be that voice of comfort when the enemy tries to attack her.

Thank You for Your continued protection around her!
