Monday, November 9, 2015

What makes a woman wife material

Did some thinking today about my life. I thought by now that I would have my own place, be with the woman of my dreams and be working on a family. The reality of things is that I am not, and I am really having thoughts that I never will. Don't get me wrong, I would love to be in relationship right now. I would love to be with the woman of my dreams, but for some reason I cant seem to find her...

I thank God that He kept me out of the wrong relationships. At the time I was mad at God. I prayed and prayed that He would keep my girlfriend and I together, but untimely it never worked out. I prayed hard; prayed if He would just let us be together that I would never ask for anything again. In hindsight, God really did know what He was doing and I am so thankful for it.

So what makes a woman marriage material? What qualities should she have?  

1. Confidence: It's attractive when a women is secure in who she is and she knows her value. Confidence in where she is going or where she wants to go. The confidence and faith in God that He will direct every step of her path no matter how hard it may be.

2. Compassion: Having compassion for others is attractive. God had so much compassion for us that He send His only Son to die for us; saving us from our sins. 

3. Integrity and character: Women with good character will keep promises. They look out for others and not afraid to say when they're wrong. Being the same as you are in public as you are in private; not being two faced. 

Not my entire list, but a few...

Some people get married just to get married. Others get married out of obligation. I want to get married for love. I've seen so many broken relationships and marriages because of this. Marriage is commitment, it's not something you can take lightly. It's not a game.

I'm praying for my future wife every day. Some days I forget, but most days I say prayer...even if it's something as simple as "keep her safe, God."  Granted, I haven't met her yet (as least I don't think I have), but I cant wait for the day we meet!