Sunday, December 24, 2017

Christmas Eve Night

So here I sit. The TV on with a Christmas movie playing for background noise...It's been some time since my last update and thought I'd try and post something before the New Year.

Every year -for the past several actually I've thought I'd be off the single train for once. -And it's not like I'm lonely during Christmas, because I'm not, but if it weren't for family I probably would be. Hmm, family. The holidays can be somewhat annoying for us single people at times, especially if you have family members who are always questioning your singleness. For example, I may express my desire to have a girlfriend and how hard it is to find one, but then am met with a response such "You just need to get out more and find on." And nine times out of ten the response is from a married person. Easy for them to say...I don't think they realize what that does to a person. It's not as easy as "going out and finding one." I really don't get out much. Between work, working out and studying for work, my day is pretty much shot. The weekends I like to relax. I live in BEF and work in an environment that is predominantly male dominated and the women who do work there are all married OR have boyfriends. And I'm not the type of guy that's going to do or say anything to one of those women that isn't strictly professional and work related. So to sum that all up: BFE = no single women, work = no single women. And you can forget online dating, because that's just a complete waste of time unless you're a woman. Unless a women literally walks up to me and asks me if I'm single, I'm probably going to be on the single train for some time to come.  But, enough about that. If you're reading this and are feeling alone, I want you to know that you're not. Someone out there loves you and values your life. You're more than nothing, in fact, you're everything to someone and you mean the entire world.  Don't for one second think that you have no value. You're precious and have extreme value.