Saturday, May 21, 2016

Just a typical Saturday

Today I ran in a 5K called "Girls on the run." It was really inspiring to see these girls come across the finish line. Some of these thought that they could never run, let alone finish a 5K, so seeing the joy and excitement on their faces was humbling. I was excited for them. 

I watched as some of the girls ran across the finish line who looked distressed. I soon found out that they needed their inhaler because of Asthma. It broke my heart and I immediately began to pray for God to break that curse off them.

I know what it's like growing up with Asthma. The doctors spoke negativity over me as a child. When I played sports or did any kind of heavy physical activity I would start to wheeze, making it hard for me to breathe. Like those girls, the doctors gave me an Inhaler and I absolutely hated using it. To me, it was a crutch and I didn't want any part of it. No matter how bad I was winded or how much I was wheezing, I didn't use my Inhaler. Only on a rare occasion I would use it.  I thought it made me look different from my friends; it made me stick out, so I chose not to use it.  No matter what, I didn't let Asthma slow me down. So I felt for those girls. I knew how painful it was. I'm now Asthma free, God healed me back when I was still in school. 

All in all it was a fun day!

Dear future wife,

You are awesome! I pray that God will guide and protect you in all you do! I pray that God places a deep desire in your heart to know Him even more. Lord, I thank you for my future wife! I pray that You bless our future marriage in every way! You are so powerful that You can do anything! I pray for healing, restoration, prosperity, oneness, and grace to abound in our future marriage! I pray for our future children. I pray that you give us the patience, love, and knowledge to raise them according to Your word. In all these these I pray in Jesus' Holy Name. Amen!


Monday, May 16, 2016

I encourage you

Your eye has not seen nor has your ear heard or your heart cant comprehend all the great things that God has for you! He's the God of breakthrough! I pray right now that God will begin to shift things in your life. I pray that the old embers of once forgotten dreams ignite. Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart! Just believe and expect the favor of God to out-pour in your life!  You are a queen! A daughter of the most high God! I speak all of this into your life right now! You are valuable and God wants to add more value to you! See yourself as being valuable and don't listen to any words of negativity. You are fearfully and wonderfully made!  Lord, bless my future wife. Don't let the words of the enemy discourage her. Speak to her and encourage her! #DontLimitGod