Saturday, May 21, 2016

Just a typical Saturday

Today I ran in a 5K called "Girls on the run." It was really inspiring to see these girls come across the finish line. Some of these thought that they could never run, let alone finish a 5K, so seeing the joy and excitement on their faces was humbling. I was excited for them. 

I watched as some of the girls ran across the finish line who looked distressed. I soon found out that they needed their inhaler because of Asthma. It broke my heart and I immediately began to pray for God to break that curse off them.

I know what it's like growing up with Asthma. The doctors spoke negativity over me as a child. When I played sports or did any kind of heavy physical activity I would start to wheeze, making it hard for me to breathe. Like those girls, the doctors gave me an Inhaler and I absolutely hated using it. To me, it was a crutch and I didn't want any part of it. No matter how bad I was winded or how much I was wheezing, I didn't use my Inhaler. Only on a rare occasion I would use it.  I thought it made me look different from my friends; it made me stick out, so I chose not to use it.  No matter what, I didn't let Asthma slow me down. So I felt for those girls. I knew how painful it was. I'm now Asthma free, God healed me back when I was still in school. 

All in all it was a fun day!

Dear future wife,

You are awesome! I pray that God will guide and protect you in all you do! I pray that God places a deep desire in your heart to know Him even more. Lord, I thank you for my future wife! I pray that You bless our future marriage in every way! You are so powerful that You can do anything! I pray for healing, restoration, prosperity, oneness, and grace to abound in our future marriage! I pray for our future children. I pray that you give us the patience, love, and knowledge to raise them according to Your word. In all these these I pray in Jesus' Holy Name. Amen!


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