Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Something different

It's been awhile since I updated last. I've went through some events since my last update that have sort of left me not wanting to have much of an Internet presence. I wont get into that event, but since it's happened, the Lord has been dealing with me. I've been praying about a major decision that I need to make. A decision that will effect my entire life. That decision is returning to college to finish out a degree that I once started before I switching majors to my current degree. Teaching. The education field. Physical education to be exact.  Like I said before, It's a major decision that will take about 2 years to complete. I'v prayed about it and have a strong desire to go though with it. With that being said, come January 20, 2015, I will begin the journey of finishing my PE/Health degree at Fairmont University.

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