Thursday, October 30, 2014

Halloween eve

It's the eve of Halloween. Tomorrow all the kids will be out trick-or-treating through town. Wondering door to door asking for candy...Those were the days. I remember some of my early years of treating.  The earliest costume I can remember wearing was a Go-Bot costume. Then maybe an Indian.  The funniest thing I've ever dressed up as was California Raisin-face painted purple-the whole 9 yards. My fondest memories are haunting an old train depot basement. It was actually kind of creepy. Pitch black with the occasional strobe light. Those were fun times...Anyway, on to what this  blog is all about.    

At any given moment, on any given day, you are the most beautiful woman in the world-and just when I think you couldn't be more beautiful, you smile and prove me wrong. Lord right now I pray that you will keep this woman safe. Let no evil come to her. I break off any plans or tactics that the enemy tries to use to cause turmoil in her life. Overflow her life with Your favor. Lift her up she needs lifted. Fill her heart with Your unfailing love. Lead and guide her on her Christian walk-direct her step.  I pray that if she's ever unsure of anything that she'll seek you in prayer.


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