Saturday, June 27, 2015

Cast your cares on the Lord

1 Peter 5:7:
Cast all your cares on Him because He cares for you.

I just feel led to speak that verse over you. I don't know what or if you're going through anything right now, but that word has been string in my spirit. Anxiety, unanswered questions, feelings of doubt, what ever it may be, cast it upon the Lord. Surrender all. Throw up your and give it all to God. There is nothing we go though that we cannot cast on the Lord.

One of the first few songs I learned on guitar was "For the moments I feel faint" By Relient K. The second verse in that song goes like this: "I throw up my hands. Oh the impossibilities. Frustrated and tired Where do I go from here?"  Sometimes that is exactly what we have to do. Throw up our hands and just surrender it all to God. He knows what we need. He knows what He's doing. We just have to come to the realization that  God can fix whatever we're going through. It's hard. I know. The devil is telling us one thing trying to sway our thoughts. Trust God.

This post goes for me as well. I need to follow my own advise.

Father right now I come boldly to the thrown of grace. I pray for my future wife and whatever she may be going though. Speak to her; reassure her that You are in control and she has nothing to fear. Be that audible voice that she hears saying "I have it under control. I will never leave you or forsake you." Touch her, Lord. Place Your mighty hand over her life. Bless her abundantly. I speak favor over her! Surround and protect her throughout her life. Be with her where ever she may go. In all these things I ask in Jesus name. Amen.

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