Monday, October 5, 2015

After a short hiatus

It's been awhile since my last post...

I've actually been thinking about going on hiatus from all of this. The thought of "What's the point?" continues to plague my thought process. It's not the right attitude to have and I understand that. It's just been hard that past couple of months.

Have you ever wished you knew God's complete plan and purpose for your life? Who you're going to be with, where you're going to live, what kind of job you're going to have? Would we even be able to handle or comprehend what that plan is? In all reality, most likely not, but it would still be nice to know.

Being single sucks. When everyone around you is already in or is getting in a relationship or  getting seen them and how happy kind of makes you feel like the odd person out.

I guess this is all coming from an inexperienced dater (if that's even a word). I have no clue where to meet people. I don't work in a building with an abundance of single woman (if any at all). Males out umber females 10:1, so meeting people in the work place is ruled out. There are no single women in my church, so that 's out. My friend circle is really small so meeting someone though friends is out of the question. Point in short is, it's very hard for me to meet single women. I'm not the type of guy to really try online dating  because I think it's a sham; a complete and utter waste of time.

I also suppose I sell myself short a lot of the time...
I feel that I have nothing to offer or that I'm always overlooked; overshadowed.  I've been blown off more times that I can count for "being too short." I'm always the nice guy but never boyfriend material. I can't help that I'm short; I can't change it. There is nothing that I can physical do that will make to grow taller other than praying to God an believe for a miracle that He will cause my genes alter themselves thus allowing me to grow taller.

They say that you have to love yourself before you can love another person. If that's the case then so be it. I absolutely hate myself for being short. I hate that I am always overlooked for something I have no control over or can change. Of course, being short does have it's advantages, however most women don't want to be with a guy under 6'.

There's some woman out there for me...just haven't found her yet.


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