Monday, October 19, 2015

Future wife,

I don't know who you are right now. I don't even know if I have met you already. I pray right now that God will cause our paths to cross so that we'll meet. I can't even imagine who the girl is that God has set aside for me, but I do know without a doubt that you are going to be one amazing woman. I'm excited to meet you, as well as to grow with you in a spiritual way. By faith, I am believing that our paths will cross suddenly. Give her the strength, Lord to resist any attacks of the enemy. I pray that God surrounds you with protection so that no harm will come to you. And Lord, give me the strength to resist any attack from the devil as well. Give me patience.

I just want to encourage you to follow your dreams. God didn't give you those passions to give up on. Trust and cling to Him. Listen and seek.  Though I man not be present, just know that I am praying for you every step of the way.

With love,

Your future Husband

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