Tuesday, August 16, 2016


I was driving home from work this afternoon listening to Joel Osteen on XM. It's kind of funny how God works sometimes. For example, just the other day I was listening to a message on patience and how God will sometimes put you behind slow drives or slow lines just to test your patience (and Lord knows that I need to work on my patience). What happens today? I get behind slow people, a school bus, and road construction. HA! How's that for patience! I chucked and thought "yes, Lord. I know have patience." Today wasn't anything different. I was listening to a message about how God will use your imperfections, but he also threw in patience too...imagine that. The message really spoke to me because it hit on a lot of topics that I deal with. One, being patience. It's just not getting behind slow drivers or things delaying me when I'm trying to get somewhere. No. It hit on a chord about being patient for your future mate. I'm like any other person. I look around and see all my friends, family members, people I graduated with in relationships and getting married while I'm still sitting on the sideline, waiting for my turn. As humans we tend to want things in the now. We think God should answer our prayers as soon as we pray them. For must of us that doesn't happen. It's all in God's timing. I just wish his timing would be sooner.    

Another topic it ht on was how God doesn't see your imperfections...and I can relate this to the above. I stared a list of what I think my imperfections are. Not a complete lists, but enough to get me thinking.

1. I'm short.
2. I'm not attractive.
3. I'm not a good talker.
4. I can't sing.
5. I'm probably overly nice.
6. I'm short...

There are more, but are just some off the top of my head.

I feel like because I'm sort, no woman would ever what to be seen with a guy under 6' and the fact that I'm not that attractive makes things difficult. I guess I've just beat myself up so long over my imperfections that I've started to believe they truly exist.

Guess this was sort of for me more than anything.


1 comment:

  1. I can totally relate to this! I was just listening to this song and it says that God is making Diamonds out of us. I interpret that as we're not by any means perfect but He is shaping us into His image. We may not be there yet but we will be one day. Slowly but surely. We are already beautifully crafted and wonderfully made. God loves us and His love endures forever. He is making us like Him. We are the Diamond of His eyes.

    Also, Have faith in the middle. His timing is perfect. You're in the middle right now but just like Jesus rebuked the storm and got His disciples to the other side, He will get you through it too.
