Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Revival week

So our church just finished up having a Revival which started last Wednesday. I usually run our computer software that contains all the songs and scriptures. Another church that we do things with was there having praise and worship practice since they were the ones doing the live music for the revival. I'm back at the computer getting the songs typed in while when all of the sudden the  Apostle (Pastor) from the other church stops everything and walks back to ask me "Why aren't YOU up there playing?" I didn't really know what to say other than "Because I usually run the computer." She precedes to to tell me "Go home and get your guitar!" I oblige and start to practice with the worship team. A few minutes later she says "We needs some bass. Does anyone know Bass?" Again, I spoke up and said "I can play a little." Once again, I'm going home to get my bass.

After all that running around, we're finally ready to REALLY practice with be being part of the team. Practice went quite well actually. I was actually impressed with myself seeing it was my first time playing bass with a band. Afterward, she told me that my future wife is a worshiper and  that I would find her if I stepped into my destiny in playing music. I'll take it. 

Wherever she's at, I pray blessings over her! You are above and not beneath. I pray God opens doors for you, because you have the favor of God all over you!

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