Monday, January 9, 2017

Pray those bold prayers

It’s the New Year. I’ll try to get back into the swing. It’s been awhile since I’ve updated my blogger so here’s a new post.

You are a blessed woman of God! Keep in faith. Pray those bold prayers. When you pray boldly, there is no limit on what God can do for you. Think about it, our God threw the Universe together. The Sun, the Moon, the Stars. Even gravity! It was all spoken into existence!  We have to pray like it’s already done and we’re just waiting on the manifestation of it. We’re told to come boldly to the throne. That means to pray with confidence without any hesitation.  This wouldn’t even be possible if it wasn’t for  the blood of Jesus. He is always available -Always gracious and merciful. Think about how bold Jacob was. He wrestled an angel and demanded to be blessed!

My prayer over you –The Prayer of Jabez. 1 Chronicles 4:10

God in Heaven, I come boldly to the throne and ask that You would bless my future wife, and enlarge her territory I pray that Your hand will guide her and direct her path and be with her always, and that You would protect her from any evil the enemy may try to send her way.

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