Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2014 coming to an end

At the time of writing this it will be roughly 50 minutes to the drop of the New Year's ball in NY. I am actually typing this update on my phone so...yea.

2014, wow, what a year!  Things happened that probably weren't what I expected or what I anticipated. I wish I could go back and do some things over, but unfortunately I can't do that sort of thing. All I can do is move on and not dwell on those past events.

As 2014 comea to a close,  I look forward to the coming new year. I look look with anticipation of experiencing greater things. New opportunities,  new adventures. Maybe this coming new year is our year.  Maybe we'll meet...which would be completely awesome by the way! What ever 2015 has in store, I speak blessings into your life. I speak wholeness,  I speak prosperity, I bind anything that comes against you in Jesus' name. You're an awesome,  powerful woman of God. You are blessed going in and blessed coming out. You are fearfully and wonderfully created. Look forward to what 2015 holds. Keep your eyes on God. Let him lead and guide you.

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