Monday, December 22, 2014

It's been a while since I last updated. I kind of got behind a tad. Meanwhile, however, I finally got my Praxis scores from November.  I still wonder to why it took so long to get the scores. Especially the reading and math portions since they were both multiple choice. So I passed the reading and writing sections and failed the math portion. Missed it by 5 points.  After taking it, I knew in my gut that I probably failed. What I studied wasn't on the test. It was as if I froze and forgot everything. No big deal though. All I have to do is retake the math and I will be good to go. 

Between my last update and now I made a trip to Barnes & Noble and bought a praxis book to help with studying. Really not sure if it was worth it or not seeing that I had an older Praxis book that someone gave to's probably 5 years old. Guess it could have been out of date, which is why I bought the new book. Really don't need the reading or writing parts, but I suppose if I pass the book down then it'll come in handy for someone else.

Did I mention that I am updating this from my new Microsoft tablet? Pretty darn cool. Kind of replaces my laptop to an extent.

So classes start back up on January 20 of next year. I'm excited to say the least. I only wish I could start asap to finish quicker.

For the wife:
This Christmas season, remember that Jesus is the reason for the season...but you already know that. The gift God gave humanity through His son Jesus Christ is the greatest gift ever.

I pray right now that you have the joist Christmas season ever! I speak blessings over you and your family. God has so much in store for you. Listen to His guiding voice. From me to you, have a Merry Christmas! Stay safe!

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