Friday, November 7, 2014

Something holding you back?

The phrase "quit what is holding you back" has been running through my head for some time now. Whether it be bad habits, being in the wrong friendships, or even being in  a not so great job. Someone once said to me "Quitting something doesn't make you a failure. It opens up doors to start something new" Those words really ring true to me. More so now than ever before...

This afternoon, my dad said to me that "you have an invite to play" Puzzled to what he meant, he continued to say that my brother and I have an invitation to play guitar at church. Guess it was an open invitation.  We just recently played at our church a couple of Sunday's ago. It was my first time playing at church since our worship team stopped, which has been a couple of years. I don't really play in front of people much. That's partly due to that fact that I don't think I'm good enough and I just may have a small fear holding me back. I'm also not a singer by any means. So when I say that "I suck" at singing, I'm not making it up. Don't get me wrong, I would absolutely love to play and sing as a career. I'm not the greatest, but God still gets all the glory. We'll see though...I guess I should quit fearing, right? If it's holding me back....yep.

For the future wife:
Keep your head up. You are a child of the most high God.  No matter what people say or think, you are a treasure! Just not a treasure to me, but a treasure to the most high God.  Hold your head high and walk with confidence. You have the power and authority to do great things!  Father right now, I pray for my future wife. Lord, let her know how prized she is. How wanted she is, and how much she's worth. Touch her heart and let her know. Reassure her that You love her. After all, You gave Your life away for us. There's no greater love than that. Your love is unfailing. Even when we mess up, Your mercy and grace is there to catch us.  Lord, keep her safe, and keep her family safe. Place a hedge of protection around them all.  Lead and guide them...and I thank you for all these things, in Jesus' name.

Amen and amen. 

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