Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Praxis experience

I don't think I expressed my experience with the Praxis exam I took earlier this week. The night before I lightly reviewed all portions of the exam (math, reading, and writing) and then proceeded to entertain myself with some Playstaion 4 playing.

I woke up early the morning of the exam (5am). Since my test was at 8am, I figured I'd better give plenty of time to find the testing center.  It wasn't all that hard to find. I think I arrived 7:20 a.m., which give me plenty of time to get checked in. They definitely take security seriously. I felt as if I were going to get a cavity search.

Taking the exam:
The first part was the reading section. It was all I thought it to be. Read a section of text and answer a series of questions regarding it.  I will say that the test tries to trip you up...which is unfair in a sense. All in all though, it didn't seem that bad.  Next up was the math portion. I focused on studying for this part more so than the rest. Math is not my strong subject. I took practice exams and studied a prep book. I honestly thought I was ready. Apparently I wasn't. What I studied had nothing to do with the exam. I probably marked half of the questions.  Lastly was the writing portion. You read some text  and mark what portion of text is incorrect or if there no errors.  Lastly was the essay part. Now I did study for this. You are given topic and then have to write an essay stating whether or not you agree or disagree with the subject.  It doesn't seem that bad, does it?  For me it was tough. First off, you only get 30 minutes to gather your thoughts. No prewritting, no word processing, no research. If don't know about the subject then I guess you have to BS your way through it. I just wrote a basic 5 paragraph essay. Intro/Thesis, three main points, and a conclusion. I think I had 3 minutes of remaining to quickly scan my essay for errors. Next up was another essay-wasn't expecting this at all. This time you had to read 2 short articles on a given topic and write another essay using information in form both articles (you were required to use and site information from both readings). Again, you only get 30 minutes to read the articles, come up with an outline and write an essay. Another tough write for me. It just seems like a rushed essay to me. I'm the kind of person who likes to prewrite and weigh my ideas. This one came down to the wire. I had seconds left to finish this beast and to scan for errors.

All in all, it was an experience.  I did not get my scores immediately, which was odd seeing that the majority of the test was multiple choice.  So now I'm waiting 10-15 days to get my scores. Praying I pass. I'd hate to go through that again.

For the future wife:
Where ever you are. What ever you're doing. Don't give up your dreams. God put those dreams in your heart for a reason; for a destiny.  You have a destiny in Christ. Be in his will and the favor of the Lord will fill your life. I pray right now that He will light your path and guide you in all that you do.

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