Tuesday, November 4, 2014

A gift?

So yesterday was my fathers birthday.  I am not really one for picking out "good" cards, in fact I normally pick out the first one I see. Browsing through cards, I came across this one that really jumped out at me. It was a normal card aside from that fact that you were instructed to keep unfolding it until it was fully opened...which made it rather large.  The writing in it was the basic "Happy Birthday, Dad!"with a cartoon kid holding a wooden sign. See, I told you I'm not one for picking out serious cards.  I'm still a big kid at heart.  It had a good amount of space in it, so I started writing.  My dad is one special individual. He used to be an alcoholic until he literally met Jesus in an empty beer bottle. That day changed his life forever. He stopped drinking and give his life to the Lord. Did a complete 180. So I started writing in this card...After reading it he looked at me said "You have a gift son. A gift of lifting people up..."

I thought about those words that whole day.  I never really thought about it much...it being a gift.  Now, though, I can kind of see what he meant. I like to encourage people -people who are struggling and need lifted up. I know what it's like to struggle and what it's like to be an emotional wreck. People growing up with an alcoholic parent will know what I mean.  I hate to see people like that. Any kind word I can say or any uplifting words I can speak into a persons life is must for me.

For my future wife:
You are fearfully and wonderfully made! You are a masterpiece-a work for art! You are worth far more than rubies-more than anything in this world. Proverbs 8:22 says He who finds a wife finds a good thing. God has great plans for us, and I cannot wait until the day we meet.

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