Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Letter to my future wife...

So I guess I should break the ice and introduce myself. My name is Brandon. We don't know each other yet, but we will at some point in time.  I don't know where you are in the world, I don't know what you look like, and I don't even know what your name is. Maybe you're blonde, or maybe you're brunette, or maybe you've black her, and just being completely random, maybe you've pink hair...yea, pink...I know you'll be intelligent, I know you'll be a Christian, and I know you'll have compassion for others and animals...You'll have these cute quirks about yourself like biting your lip when you smile, or twirling your hair you're bored, or maybe singing in the shower.  All of these little things make you a unique individual that I will absolutely adore.  I also hope your friends and family like me...especially your dad. Giving away his little girl is tough thing...I imagine I'll know all about that if we have a daughter, but we can talk about that later.  Weird thing is, we may not even speak the same language or maybe we'll have different accents making it difficult to understand each other at times.  Heck, you may not even live in the United States. You may life in Japan, or New Zealand, or maybe Australia...I have absolutely no clue.  All I know is that you're out there somewhere...looking. I don't know if  I'll meet you at a future job, or running event,  or concert...just don't know.  You may be a Nurse, or Doctor, or Teacher, or Video game designer, or maybe a Musician...yea, that'd be cool...

I'm excited for the day we meet. Don't even think for one second that you're not good enough for me, because you'll be more than good. You'll be the one that God has chosen for me. You'll be my absolute best friend  and my companion.

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