Thursday, January 15, 2015

Feelings of doubt

I've been going through a rough time. Things going in the mist of me seems to have me overwhelmed. I have those feelings of doubt occasionally, but I know that I will get through it!

I've also been thinking about relationships lately -just in general. Who I am looking for, what am I looking for, why haven't I found "the one" yet. Because honestly, I've been single for 3 years now. I either get blown off or get some lame excuse. It's made me wonder if I am extremely picky or do I just know what I am looking for? Then the thought came to me...maybe I should also be praying that the Lord changes me. Maybe I still have some stuff in me that needs worked out. So I've stared praying that God will change me. Mold and craft me into the man that my future wife deserves. I want to be her strong tower (aside for God of course) a place of trust and comfort.

For the future wife:
Lord, right now I pray for my future wife. I pray that she will humble herself before you and be strong, courageous, and careful to do everything written in Your word. I pray she has a forgiving heart. She is a masterpiece! You crafted her after all, I wouldn't expect any less. Fill her heart, fill her life with Your presence. Bless her and keep her safe.

I cant wait to learn everything about you even if it takes me the rest of my life...especially if it takes me the rest of my life. It'll be an unforgettable ride that we'll both cherish.

Honestly, and this goes along with what I said in the second paragraph...what I've been thinking lately has inspired me to write a song, a song about you...I'll warn you first though, I'm not a good singer, but I really feel led to do this and hopefully I'll get to share it with you when we finally meet.

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