Sunday, January 18, 2015

You are not invisible

I downloaded a new app for my phone called  MapMyRun-it looks like Under Armour bought them or is affiliated with them in way . I've been using it for about a week now. Of course it's the free version where live tracking is disabled...probably why running routes doesn't track me. That is my complaint. You can pick form a good amount of routes to run, however you're never tracked....which makes running (or even finding the route) a challenge. All in all though it's not such a bad app. I've been running my own route (where it does track me) with good results. I will probably eventually get a fit's probably a better investment.

So we played live today in church! We still have a lot to learn, but I feel as if it went well.

For the future wife:
You may feel invisible at times...however, I want you to know that you are invaluable. No one or anything can replace you. You are immeasurable and priceless.

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