Sunday, January 25, 2015

Short post

It's hard to contain the joy I still have from the week I've had. God, you are awesome! I ended up sharing what happened to me in church today. Maybe it benefited someone else who's going through what I went though to hear what I had to say.

To the future wife:

I don't know why I went through the season I did, but I do know that I grew. Maybe God is working things out of me in order to prepare me for you. I do know that he is teaching me the way to love so that I will be able to truly love you...Finding you is a crucial part of my life -I don't want to mess it up. I am praying and seeking God on this one and leaving it in His hands. He knows what He's doing. Just know that my heart is yours and wherever you are right now, I pray that God will surround you and protect you.

Lord, right now I want to thank You for my future wife, and how perfect You've molded and shaped her for me. After all women I've dated and thought there was something there, it's hard to comprehend there is someone out there who is designed just for me. And Lord, continue to prepare me for her. I want to give her 100% of me. Speak to each of our hearts. Guide us on the path so that one day we will meet and eventually become one.

Amen and amen.

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