Monday, August 17, 2015

Early morning draft

So my brother bought me a new laptop the other day. My current one is a Sony Vaio that is going on 7 years old. It’s been through it all and shows. It’s what I like to call a “Frankenwire” computer. A few years ago the AC power onboard unit had broken. A wire had ended up being broken somehow. Spliced wires, some solder, liquid tape and hot glue later it was fixed…with about three inches of excess wire hanging from the side of it. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a great laptop. It got me though my College years after all, but it’s really time to lay it to rest. Maybe I’ll use it for a print server or something….
Hashtag “blessed”
This past weekend has been super long. I’ve basically had zero time to myself or to remotely do anything productive. Luckily for me I finish up my schedule Monday morning (insert happy face.)    

I’ve always heard that how you dress is an expression of how you feel about yourself. Not sure if that is true or not. I love dressing up. Putting on a pair of slacks, a nice button up shirt and tie…but it is really limited where I am from. Pretty sure if I were to do that around where I live I would get some weird looks. Of course, on special occasions it’s perfectly acceptable.  I am more of a dress to be comfortable kind of person. I enjoy a comfortable pair of pants and a tee shirt.
I suppose the dressing up part goes along with the idea of being a modern day gentlemen. I remember back when I was dating this girl and we had an evening planned where we’d both dress up and do something out of the norm. Something like going to a play or show and dine at a more than casual restaurant. That of course never happened because we broke up soon after, however the plan and idea was still there…
Seeing men, husbands, boyfriends mistreat their wife or girlfriend strikes a nerve with me. No one should mistreat their wife or girlfriend. She’s a queen and you’re supposed to protect her and see that no harm should come to her. That’s where this day in age comes in. I feel as if some males today have lost touch with the gentlemen of the past.

Lord I pray right now that you will continue to correct me and guide me in the right direction to stay and be a true gentlemen.

Thinking back to when I was a kid, being a man meant being strong and not showing weakness. Being vulnerable meant being weak. Even to this day I still feel the effects of thinking that way. After a rough breakup I didn’t want to show weakness or physically show that I was vulnerable even though it was killing me inside. It was easily one of the worst times of my life. So much emotion inside, unanswered questions, confusion…it was hard, but with the grace of God, I got through it.  

Lord, be with me. Continue to form me and correct me to make me into the man my future wife needs. I pray that I will continue to listen and hear your voice guiding me on the right path. 

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