Saturday, August 15, 2015

Weekend warrior

Last night was night my first time working/having the schedule 6pm to 6am. That continues through Monday morning. In a way it is kind of nice because you get a long break throughout the week, but yet they are super long days/nights.  I’m believe in Psalms 104:23 “a man goes to work in the morning and comes home in the evening.” I’m praying for steady day shift work.

Some perks to working 3 twelve hour weekend shifts at night:
·         It’s very quiet! Seriously. You ever heard the phrase “you could hear a pin drop?”
·         You could technically go to school if you wanted too and finish a degree.
·         Studying for certifications is a good way to pass the time.
·         It’s much, much slower than during weekdays.
·         updating your blog while on break.

Working in my field in addition to working through the weekend makes it hard to meet people. Not sure if it’s statically backed, but I would have to say that my field is predominantly male. Sure, I see females throughout the building, however they work in a different section. I see a lot more people during the day…

All negativity aside, I am thankful for a job and I am able to work.
Like I said, I’m standing on Psalms 104:23 and you all be in agreement with me J

I see so many happy couples…TV, Facebook, out in public and I think to myself “Why can’t I have that?” Am I really that unattractive that I am unapproachable? The enemy likes to play head games with me and I’ve let him beat me up for the longest time. “You’re not good enough”, “you’re not attractive enough,” “you’re not tall enough,” and I’ve believed it. Nothing but lies from the pits of hell and I’ve let those thoughts take root, so pray for me in that area, ‘cause I sure need it.

Lord I pray for my future wife and her thoughts. I pray that those negative thoughts –those lies, which the enemy tries to tell her do not take root. Give her a good weekend…and if she’s a weekend warrior like myself, then bless her. She’s a special lady, Lord. Continue to be with her every step of the way. Renew her mind. Heal any afflictions she may have. I pray good health over her. Pray blessings and prosperity over her. Be with her family too. Protect them all in Jesus name.


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