Sunday, June 29, 2014

God sized prayrs


Right now I pray that you're moving on her heart where she wont be afraid to pray GOD sized prayers. Not just those normal every day prayers, but prayers like in Joshua when he prayed that the sun would stand still. I pray right now that she is the most successful woman in her work place. Not only that, I pray that she is the highest paid and successful woman in her state! I speak financial prosperity into her life! I pray she is blessed beyond measure and you are causing things to move on her behalf. Your word says that we are blessed coming in and blessed going out!  Connect her to the right people to cause these things to happen! Thank you, Lord for these things coming to pass.

Amen and so be it!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Doors being opened


I pray that new doors are being opened in her life. New opportunities are being manifested. Lives are being transformed because of Your light in her!  I pray that divine favor fills her life and Your blessings are pouring out in her life. I pray for breakthrough in her life if she is struggling in any area.  I declare, decree, and proclaim these things in her life in Jesus' Holy Name!  And Lord, be with her as she goes through her day to day activities. Place a hedge of protection around her. She's Your daughter; A  daughter of the most high God! Thank you for these things, Lord

Amen and Amen

Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Lord I pray right now that she is a woman of courage.  May she be strong, courageous, and firm.  Help her to not be afraid but instead put her trust firmly in you. You will not fail for forsake her (Deuteronomy 31:6).  Give her wisdom to perform her job and be a witness for You.  Surround her with Your hedge of protection.

Thank you Lord for these things! In your Holy name

Monday, June 23, 2014

No fear here

For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. Right now I break off the spirit of fear. Fear is a tactic of the enemy and cannot dwell in the temple of God.  We've all let fear creep in at times; heck, I'm guilty of it. I'm talking to myself here too.  If fear sneaks in, then doubt and unbelief soon follow.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Faith to change circumstances

Today at church we watched the second part of a series from our main church branch (because we're one of 7 churches in different locations) Very good message! It touched on a particular point in which this blog does...Praying for the right woman. Of course the message was also about other faith topics, but I'm going to focus on finding the right mate; the woman God has chosen for me.  What does the bible say about faith? In 2 Corinthians 4:13 it says "Since we have the same spirit of faith according to what is written, "I believed, and so I spoke..." God can cause circumstances to change based on faith.  Living in a very small town, there are not very many women my age. At times it's discouraging to even find a date. I've all but given up...but, faith; faith is what changes circumstances. God is a big God. He can put any woman in my path. She doesn't have to be from my town, or even my state! I've spoke God's word over my circumstance and fully expect it to manifest in the physical!

So Lord, right now I pray that you are working on my behalf. I call those things which are not as though they are. Place the right woman in my path; the Godly woman you have chosen for me! Give me discernment so I will know it's her.

Maker her of noble character. Bless her work and anything she puts her hands to. Give her confidence, Lord. Not just in herself, but confidence in you! May people around her see Your beauty reflected in her. Let her know her worth. Speak. to her. Guide and direct her. Keep her safe from evil

Amen and so be it!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

What to do when...

Lord, I know what it's like to be anxious and frustrated. So tonight I pray for those feelings.... 

God, Your word says in Philippians 4:6, "Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything; tell God your needs and don't forget to thank him for his answers."  If anxious feelings are consuming her, comfort her, Lord. Let her know and experience Your peace. For Your peace is far more wonderful than our human minds can understand. We know that in 1 Peter 5:7 to give our worries and cares to you, God. You are always thinking and watching over everything that concerns us-You will perfect it!  

I also pray for feelings of frustration to be gone, in Jesus' name! According to John 14:27, You gave us the gift of peace of mind and heart. And the peace you give isn't fragile like the peace of this world, so I pray she won't be troubled or afraid of what is ahead.  

And as always, lead her. Guide her. Comfort her, and protect her from any harm.
All these things I ask in Jesus' Mighty Name

Friday, June 20, 2014


Boldness. Give her boldness, Lord. When people around her are talking things contrary to your word, I pray she will be bold enough to stand up and confess what your word says.  What ever the situation may be; work, friends...I pray she'll be bold enough to say something.  God, your word says that we'll have what we say (I'm paraphrasing) Therefore, we have to continue to speak YOUR word over our lives (and others). The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but the blood of  Jesus redeemed us from all of that!  Protect her, lead and guide her, Lord.  Show her the plans you have for her life.

Thank you, Lord, for all that you have done and all that you are going to do. Amen and Amen

Thursday, June 19, 2014


Precious Heavenly Farther,

Thank you in advance for blessing me with such an amazing woman. A woman after your heart.  Please physically protect her, and also, mentally protect her from all the garbage and negativity she my encounter.  If ever she may feel unattractive, inadequate, insecure, unsure, or unimportant, speak to her and let her know that those thoughts are from the enemy.  "Smack those thoughts down!" My dad occasionally says that.

Lord, please continue to mold and shape me into the man she deserves. Give me wisdom. Guide and direct me.

The bible says in Romans 4:17, "Call those things which do not exist as though they did" That's what faith is. Faith can move mountains.  All it takes is faith the size of a mustard seed.  You have to give voice to your faith.  I'm speaking God's word over you right now.   

All these things in Christ's Holy name, Amen

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Father, God

I speak blessings into her life. Abundance. May her cup overflow. She is Your daughter, God.  Lift her up and show her Your love.  Give her joy, Lord. A joy for you. A joy that says "I'll go anywhere, and do anything as long as you are there and in it."  Give her wisdom, God. Wisdom so she'll know the plans you have for her life.

On a more personal note:
Waiting is hard. I've been doing it for a long time. Seems every where I look, people are finding someone. Friends, family...strangers. I can rest in knowing that God has saved one heck of a woman for me. A woman of God. I cant wait for the day we meet.  I know that God is preparing me and transforming me into the man you deserve. 

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Your worth

God in Heaven,

Tonight I pray for my future mate. Keep her safe from harm. Place a hedge of protection around her.  I pray that she will make You the center of her life; because with you, all things are possible. May she love you with all of her heart, her soul, and mind.  Help her to reach her goals. Her desires. Her dreams.  Bless her, Lord. I speak prosperity over her.  I speak wholeness over her. She is a child of the most high God and was fearfully and wonderfully made.  

Something to think about:
God tells us in Isaiah 13:12 that he made us more precious than fine God.  It doesn't stop there.  God loved us so much that he sent his son, Jesus to save us! The greatness of that price is worth far more and is more precious than gold.  You HAVE value, you ARE wanted, and you ARE loved!

Introduction / Prepare me

After 12 posts, I realized that I have yet to do any kind of introduction of myself (if people are reading this and are curious)

While on an afternoon run a while back ago, I was talking to the Lord as if I were talking to a normal person. People I would pass were wondering "who is that crazy guy taking to himself?" I began to pray for a Godly woman. I've been through some pretty hurtful relationships in the past. Mostly because I thought I could find the right woman on my own.  My singleness gets to me from time to time. It seems like everyone around me is either getting married or starting a relationship and I'm here like "Yep, still single"  To keep it short, this blog is sort of dedicated to my future wife.  Once I find her, she'll be able to see that someone was praying for her even though she didn't know it.  A little side note. I am in no way a professional you can probably tell.

Lord I pray that you will bless me with a woman who is passionate and on fire for you!  Your word says in Psalms 37:4 "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart."  Let this prayer be a reality and not just a dream.  I pray for discernment so I'll know when I meet her.  Take away the burden of me trying to find the right girl on my own. Place her in my path in your timing.  In the mean time, Lord, carry her. Lift her up. Bring her joy. Bring her peace. Break her heart for what breaks yours. And Lord, prepare me for her.  Prepare me so that I will be the man you called me to be. A man of integrity. A man of valor. A man of Christ. Finally, Lord, prepare me, equip me, so that I can be the best husband and father. Thank you, Lord. Amen and Amen.