Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Your worth

God in Heaven,

Tonight I pray for my future mate. Keep her safe from harm. Place a hedge of protection around her.  I pray that she will make You the center of her life; because with you, all things are possible. May she love you with all of her heart, her soul, and mind.  Help her to reach her goals. Her desires. Her dreams.  Bless her, Lord. I speak prosperity over her.  I speak wholeness over her. She is a child of the most high God and was fearfully and wonderfully made.  

Something to think about:
God tells us in Isaiah 13:12 that he made us more precious than fine God.  It doesn't stop there.  God loved us so much that he sent his son, Jesus to save us! The greatness of that price is worth far more and is more precious than gold.  You HAVE value, you ARE wanted, and you ARE loved!

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