Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Introduction / Prepare me

After 12 posts, I realized that I have yet to do any kind of introduction of myself (if people are reading this and are curious)

While on an afternoon run a while back ago, I was talking to the Lord as if I were talking to a normal person. People I would pass were wondering "who is that crazy guy taking to himself?" I began to pray for a Godly woman. I've been through some pretty hurtful relationships in the past. Mostly because I thought I could find the right woman on my own.  My singleness gets to me from time to time. It seems like everyone around me is either getting married or starting a relationship and I'm here like "Yep, still single"  To keep it short, this blog is sort of dedicated to my future wife.  Once I find her, she'll be able to see that someone was praying for her even though she didn't know it.  A little side note. I am in no way a professional writer...as you can probably tell.

Lord I pray that you will bless me with a woman who is passionate and on fire for you!  Your word says in Psalms 37:4 "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart."  Let this prayer be a reality and not just a dream.  I pray for discernment so I'll know when I meet her.  Take away the burden of me trying to find the right girl on my own. Place her in my path in your timing.  In the mean time, Lord, carry her. Lift her up. Bring her joy. Bring her peace. Break her heart for what breaks yours. And Lord, prepare me for her.  Prepare me so that I will be the man you called me to be. A man of integrity. A man of valor. A man of Christ. Finally, Lord, prepare me, equip me, so that I can be the best husband and father. Thank you, Lord. Amen and Amen.  


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