Thursday, June 19, 2014


Precious Heavenly Farther,

Thank you in advance for blessing me with such an amazing woman. A woman after your heart.  Please physically protect her, and also, mentally protect her from all the garbage and negativity she my encounter.  If ever she may feel unattractive, inadequate, insecure, unsure, or unimportant, speak to her and let her know that those thoughts are from the enemy.  "Smack those thoughts down!" My dad occasionally says that.

Lord, please continue to mold and shape me into the man she deserves. Give me wisdom. Guide and direct me.

The bible says in Romans 4:17, "Call those things which do not exist as though they did" That's what faith is. Faith can move mountains.  All it takes is faith the size of a mustard seed.  You have to give voice to your faith.  I'm speaking God's word over you right now.   

All these things in Christ's Holy name, Amen

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