Sunday, June 22, 2014

Faith to change circumstances

Today at church we watched the second part of a series from our main church branch (because we're one of 7 churches in different locations) Very good message! It touched on a particular point in which this blog does...Praying for the right woman. Of course the message was also about other faith topics, but I'm going to focus on finding the right mate; the woman God has chosen for me.  What does the bible say about faith? In 2 Corinthians 4:13 it says "Since we have the same spirit of faith according to what is written, "I believed, and so I spoke..." God can cause circumstances to change based on faith.  Living in a very small town, there are not very many women my age. At times it's discouraging to even find a date. I've all but given up...but, faith; faith is what changes circumstances. God is a big God. He can put any woman in my path. She doesn't have to be from my town, or even my state! I've spoke God's word over my circumstance and fully expect it to manifest in the physical!

So Lord, right now I pray that you are working on my behalf. I call those things which are not as though they are. Place the right woman in my path; the Godly woman you have chosen for me! Give me discernment so I will know it's her.

Maker her of noble character. Bless her work and anything she puts her hands to. Give her confidence, Lord. Not just in herself, but confidence in you! May people around her see Your beauty reflected in her. Let her know her worth. Speak. to her. Guide and direct her. Keep her safe from evil

Amen and so be it!

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