Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Dealing with my insecurities

Sometimes I am way to focused on my own insecurities. We're all heard the phrase "You're your own worst critic." and boy am I ever. My height and my physical appearance are the two biggies. They always seem to sting me at least once a week. I've been rejected so many times that I've grown accustomed to it. So much to the point where I wont even ask a woman out.

So, to overcome that...fear (or what ever you want to call it), it's going to be my goal to introduce myself to random people whenever I get the chance, and we'll see if helps "cure" me of some of my insecurities.

And with that, I pray for you...

I pray that you don't struggle with insecurities; and if you are, I pray that you are also working on them as myself. You are a treasure worth far more than rubies -more than anything on this Earth. Lord, I am in agreement with whatever my future wife is praying about. Pour out Your blessings on her.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Boaz man

How many people believe the fairy tale the right relationship will make your troubles go away? Truth is, the right relationship only comes after we have the right relationship with ourselves. We have to love ourselves before we can love someone else. Do you ever just observe people? Not profile, but just watch and observe? I've been guilty of it. Especially when I see guys  mistreating their girlfriend. Imagine if you were a father. Would you want your daughter to date you?

I thank God that He kept me out of the wrong relationships. I thank Him that He is preparing me for the right relationship. I want to be a Boaz man. I'm not going to be that man who willy nilly gets into a relationship with no direction or planning. Boaz was prepared for when he met Ruth. He had built a life and was ready. You cant haphazardly commit to a woman without direction. Women want a provider and I want my heart to be ready for when I meet my future wife.

Lord, I thank You for what You are doing my my life. Thank You for preparing me; preparing my heart for when I meet my future wife. Lord, I still struggle with insecurities. I look at myself and think that there's no way that anyone could ever love me. I ask that You begin to take those thoughts away! They are thoughts of the enemy! Father, I pray that You are preparing my future wife's heart too. I don't know Your plan, but I know it's something awesome! Bless my future wife, Lord. If she's going though anything I pray right now that You will begin to work in the midst of her situation and I thank You work everything out!

Guide us both. Amen!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

No title

"God has a plan for your life! Don't let fear keep you from that plan!" Is what I keep telling myself day in and day out. I still struggle with fear at times. As a male we're kind of programmed not to show weakness and that gets in the way at times. Especially with fear. I thank God that He's working on that area of my life.

Lord, You know the desires of my heart.  Your word says in Mark 11:29 that what soever we desire, when we pray that if we believe we receive then and there, we shall have it. Our faith must operate in "now" faith. Now faith equals the substance of things. So Lord, right now I just thank You for all that You have done in my life. You know what we want before we even ask for it, but if we want to see it we first have to speak it. After all, You spoke everything into existence.

I pray right now that You are working behind the scenes to bring my future wife to me. I pray that You're causing things to happen so that our paths will cross. I'm also praying for this to be suddenly; I want to meet her this year! Thank You for all that You have done God!

Father God, I ask right now that You will speak to my future wife and let her know that her future husband is praying for her. Comfort her in her time of need. Be her rock. Let her know that she is worth far more than anything in this world. I pray that You will guide her in her journey and be with her every day. Send Your Angels to protect her from any harm. Most of all, touch her heart and continue to prepare her for the mighty woman she is to become. Amen!

Thursday, February 11, 2016

qualities I desire in my future wife

I did some thinking last night. You know, one of those times when you're laying in bed and you just think. I really think the Lord has been dealing with me on it, meaning we have to give voice to our prayers. Now I've been praying this prayer for some time and haven't seen the manifestation of it yet, but that doesn't mean I give up, no.

So at work in my spare time today, I drafted a small list of what I am looking for in a future wife. I will be adding to this list, however this right now it's just a small list of qualities that I desire my future wife to have. She doesn't have to have them all, I don't think anyone ever could. In no random order, here they are:

1. She loves God first
2. She’s a prayer warrior
3. She shows Sincerity
4. She has Honesty
5. She’s Understanding
6. She has Loyalty
7. She’s Truthful
8. She shows Thoughtfulness
9. She’s Ambitious
10. She cares for others
11. She’s attractive
12. She’s intelligent
13. She’s elegant
14. She loves unconditional
15. She’s responsible
16. She gets along with family and friends
17. She never gets tired of old video games (haha – had to put that one in here)
18. She’s active
19. She likes music
20. She loves kids
21. She has a sense of humor
22. She can laugh at herself
23. She’s a great listener
24. She’s patient
25. She likes sports
26. She makes be a better man
27. She’s adventurous
28. She’s gentle
29. She’s optimistic
30. She’s humble
31. She’s creative

This was just a few things I typed up while on my lunch break...

So Lord, right now I pray for my future wife, where ever she is. Lord, I don't know your plan, but I pray that you will stir the waters and guide me to her (or her to me). Set our paths to intersect. I pray that she is seeking You in all that she does. I pray that she trusts You in all things great and small. I pray that you are molding her into the mighty woman she is to become.  I pray that You are with her in all she may do. Be with her during the hard times and be with her during the good times. Break her heart for what breaks Yours so that she may be a true woman after Your own heart. Continue to guide her. Continue to protect her. Surround her with Your mighty love. Embrace her so that she knows that she is loved. In all these things I ask in Jesus name.