Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Dealing with my insecurities

Sometimes I am way to focused on my own insecurities. We're all heard the phrase "You're your own worst critic." and boy am I ever. My height and my physical appearance are the two biggies. They always seem to sting me at least once a week. I've been rejected so many times that I've grown accustomed to it. So much to the point where I wont even ask a woman out.

So, to overcome that...fear (or what ever you want to call it), it's going to be my goal to introduce myself to random people whenever I get the chance, and we'll see if helps "cure" me of some of my insecurities.

And with that, I pray for you...

I pray that you don't struggle with insecurities; and if you are, I pray that you are also working on them as myself. You are a treasure worth far more than rubies -more than anything on this Earth. Lord, I am in agreement with whatever my future wife is praying about. Pour out Your blessings on her.

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