Thursday, February 18, 2016

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"God has a plan for your life! Don't let fear keep you from that plan!" Is what I keep telling myself day in and day out. I still struggle with fear at times. As a male we're kind of programmed not to show weakness and that gets in the way at times. Especially with fear. I thank God that He's working on that area of my life.

Lord, You know the desires of my heart.  Your word says in Mark 11:29 that what soever we desire, when we pray that if we believe we receive then and there, we shall have it. Our faith must operate in "now" faith. Now faith equals the substance of things. So Lord, right now I just thank You for all that You have done in my life. You know what we want before we even ask for it, but if we want to see it we first have to speak it. After all, You spoke everything into existence.

I pray right now that You are working behind the scenes to bring my future wife to me. I pray that You're causing things to happen so that our paths will cross. I'm also praying for this to be suddenly; I want to meet her this year! Thank You for all that You have done God!

Father God, I ask right now that You will speak to my future wife and let her know that her future husband is praying for her. Comfort her in her time of need. Be her rock. Let her know that she is worth far more than anything in this world. I pray that You will guide her in her journey and be with her every day. Send Your Angels to protect her from any harm. Most of all, touch her heart and continue to prepare her for the mighty woman she is to become. Amen!

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