Thursday, February 11, 2016

qualities I desire in my future wife

I did some thinking last night. You know, one of those times when you're laying in bed and you just think. I really think the Lord has been dealing with me on it, meaning we have to give voice to our prayers. Now I've been praying this prayer for some time and haven't seen the manifestation of it yet, but that doesn't mean I give up, no.

So at work in my spare time today, I drafted a small list of what I am looking for in a future wife. I will be adding to this list, however this right now it's just a small list of qualities that I desire my future wife to have. She doesn't have to have them all, I don't think anyone ever could. In no random order, here they are:

1. She loves God first
2. She’s a prayer warrior
3. She shows Sincerity
4. She has Honesty
5. She’s Understanding
6. She has Loyalty
7. She’s Truthful
8. She shows Thoughtfulness
9. She’s Ambitious
10. She cares for others
11. She’s attractive
12. She’s intelligent
13. She’s elegant
14. She loves unconditional
15. She’s responsible
16. She gets along with family and friends
17. She never gets tired of old video games (haha – had to put that one in here)
18. She’s active
19. She likes music
20. She loves kids
21. She has a sense of humor
22. She can laugh at herself
23. She’s a great listener
24. She’s patient
25. She likes sports
26. She makes be a better man
27. She’s adventurous
28. She’s gentle
29. She’s optimistic
30. She’s humble
31. She’s creative

This was just a few things I typed up while on my lunch break...

So Lord, right now I pray for my future wife, where ever she is. Lord, I don't know your plan, but I pray that you will stir the waters and guide me to her (or her to me). Set our paths to intersect. I pray that she is seeking You in all that she does. I pray that she trusts You in all things great and small. I pray that you are molding her into the mighty woman she is to become.  I pray that You are with her in all she may do. Be with her during the hard times and be with her during the good times. Break her heart for what breaks Yours so that she may be a true woman after Your own heart. Continue to guide her. Continue to protect her. Surround her with Your mighty love. Embrace her so that she knows that she is loved. In all these things I ask in Jesus name.

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