Sunday, February 21, 2016

Boaz man

How many people believe the fairy tale the right relationship will make your troubles go away? Truth is, the right relationship only comes after we have the right relationship with ourselves. We have to love ourselves before we can love someone else. Do you ever just observe people? Not profile, but just watch and observe? I've been guilty of it. Especially when I see guys  mistreating their girlfriend. Imagine if you were a father. Would you want your daughter to date you?

I thank God that He kept me out of the wrong relationships. I thank Him that He is preparing me for the right relationship. I want to be a Boaz man. I'm not going to be that man who willy nilly gets into a relationship with no direction or planning. Boaz was prepared for when he met Ruth. He had built a life and was ready. You cant haphazardly commit to a woman without direction. Women want a provider and I want my heart to be ready for when I meet my future wife.

Lord, I thank You for what You are doing my my life. Thank You for preparing me; preparing my heart for when I meet my future wife. Lord, I still struggle with insecurities. I look at myself and think that there's no way that anyone could ever love me. I ask that You begin to take those thoughts away! They are thoughts of the enemy! Father, I pray that You are preparing my future wife's heart too. I don't know Your plan, but I know it's something awesome! Bless my future wife, Lord. If she's going though anything I pray right now that You will begin to work in the midst of her situation and I thank You work everything out!

Guide us both. Amen!

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