Saturday, January 31, 2015

New job -Monday

Looks like I will be starting my new position this coming Monday. At least I know where I'm to go -for the most part. Living in Fairmont those College years really paid off....ahhh yes, I miss those days. Days when life was much easier. I was lucky enough where I only h ad to work weekends and didn't have to drive back and forth from Fairmont and Kingwood.

I should also mention that I am planning on buying a new guitar this year (hopefully). Don't get me wrong, I love my Ovation -it was my first "expensive" guitar I bought -second to my first "cheap"
 guitar that I bought from The Home Shopping Channel...yeah, we wont get into that. After my Grandpap died, I kind of got his guitar. It's an older guitar and sounds sooo good. My ovation sounds good too, but it has a plastic back on it which gives it a weird tone.

For the future wife:
I pray that you are blessed beyond measure! I pray that your cup overflows with the blessings of God in your life. Keep your eyes on Him and don't let the world move you. It's hard sometimes, trust me -I know. I've been down rough roads and tears have been shed -especially this past year. Just keep your faith and know that I am praying for you as well. Even when you think no one else cares, know that I do...

I'm just going to pray right now that our paths cross THIS year and we'll meet. I pray that we'll both know that when we meet that it was a divine encounter form God. I'm praying suddenly! That's what I did with my job and that's what I'm doing now.

In the mean time, keep safe and keep your eyes on God...

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Short post

It's hard to contain the joy I still have from the week I've had. God, you are awesome! I ended up sharing what happened to me in church today. Maybe it benefited someone else who's going through what I went though to hear what I had to say.

To the future wife:

I don't know why I went through the season I did, but I do know that I grew. Maybe God is working things out of me in order to prepare me for you. I do know that he is teaching me the way to love so that I will be able to truly love you...Finding you is a crucial part of my life -I don't want to mess it up. I am praying and seeking God on this one and leaving it in His hands. He knows what He's doing. Just know that my heart is yours and wherever you are right now, I pray that God will surround you and protect you.

Lord, right now I want to thank You for my future wife, and how perfect You've molded and shaped her for me. After all women I've dated and thought there was something there, it's hard to comprehend there is someone out there who is designed just for me. And Lord, continue to prepare me for her. I want to give her 100% of me. Speak to each of our hearts. Guide us on the path so that one day we will meet and eventually become one.

Amen and amen.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Praise report

I have a praise report to make. I'll try to give some back story to fill in some gaps. Last year I lost my position where I was working. It was in May. I looked for work and couldn't find it. When I did find it, it was out of state and the pay would never justify the move. I hated to go on unemployment...It makes feel like people are judging me...eventually I broke down and signed up for it. Still out of work, I decided to go back to school to to finish out an education degree I started before I switched my major, so I applied to back to a local university. Got accepted and started classes on January 20. I applied for a position with a company that worked out of the same location as my previous job...people always said that once you leave, you don't come back...I didn't care, I applied anyway. My dad read me this article that I could really relate to. The man in the article was in a similar position as myself. He lost his job and it seemed as if every door was slammed in his face. We prayed after he finished reading that God would move swiftly to open doors in my favor.  The very next day I was contacted by an HR representative from the company I applied to -they wanted to set up an interview for the following day. "WOW" I thought to myself. Going with the swing of things, I set up the interview, and went through the process. The very next day (this is three days after we prayed that God would move swiftly), I was sent an offer letter...

I was literally floored! I know God can do anything -I've seen it, but experiencing it yourself is just...awesome! Even in our mistakes, God will make us prosper. 

Of course I will have to withdraw from the university now, but that's okay...God opened the door back up. :)  I should also mention that the pay was in increase from what I was making before.

For the future wife:

That above story is short and I could explain it better in person, but never stop praying...After I lost my position I spoke and believed that I would go back to work where I was -that door would open back up. I prayed it for about a month and kind of got of speaking it...actually giving voice to what I was believing. If you're believing for something, speak it -speak in into existence, and don't stop if you don't see the manifestation of it quickly. Keep your eyes on God and don't lose sight. Have unshakable faith...I know for me, this has been a trip and has built my faith up. :) 

Sunday, January 18, 2015

You are not invisible

I downloaded a new app for my phone called  MapMyRun-it looks like Under Armour bought them or is affiliated with them in way . I've been using it for about a week now. Of course it's the free version where live tracking is disabled...probably why running routes doesn't track me. That is my complaint. You can pick form a good amount of routes to run, however you're never tracked....which makes running (or even finding the route) a challenge. All in all though it's not such a bad app. I've been running my own route (where it does track me) with good results. I will probably eventually get a fit's probably a better investment.

So we played live today in church! We still have a lot to learn, but I feel as if it went well.

For the future wife:
You may feel invisible at times...however, I want you to know that you are invaluable. No one or anything can replace you. You are immeasurable and priceless.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Feelings of doubt

I've been going through a rough time. Things going in the mist of me seems to have me overwhelmed. I have those feelings of doubt occasionally, but I know that I will get through it!

I've also been thinking about relationships lately -just in general. Who I am looking for, what am I looking for, why haven't I found "the one" yet. Because honestly, I've been single for 3 years now. I either get blown off or get some lame excuse. It's made me wonder if I am extremely picky or do I just know what I am looking for? Then the thought came to me...maybe I should also be praying that the Lord changes me. Maybe I still have some stuff in me that needs worked out. So I've stared praying that God will change me. Mold and craft me into the man that my future wife deserves. I want to be her strong tower (aside for God of course) a place of trust and comfort.

For the future wife:
Lord, right now I pray for my future wife. I pray that she will humble herself before you and be strong, courageous, and careful to do everything written in Your word. I pray she has a forgiving heart. She is a masterpiece! You crafted her after all, I wouldn't expect any less. Fill her heart, fill her life with Your presence. Bless her and keep her safe.

I cant wait to learn everything about you even if it takes me the rest of my life...especially if it takes me the rest of my life. It'll be an unforgettable ride that we'll both cherish.

Honestly, and this goes along with what I said in the second paragraph...what I've been thinking lately has inspired me to write a song, a song about you...I'll warn you first though, I'm not a good singer, but I really feel led to do this and hopefully I'll get to share it with you when we finally meet.