Friday, February 27, 2015


Drove to work early this morning -3 A.M. early. You really don't see much on the road around that time other than random deer. Kind of a peaceful drive. It was snowing, the sky was somewhat clear, the fresh snow glistened off the road when light hit it. As most of my morning drives, I was listening to the KLove radio station. About half way through my drive to work, a song came on that really hit me. Here are some of the lyrics: "I'd give up the world to find my soul. Pour out my life give You control. I just want to be what You want me to be. I just want a heart's that true. A heart like You."  The song really resonated in me. I'll be the first to admit that I get distracted occasionally and I slip. Does that mean God doesn't loves me even less? Of course not. His mercy and grace is always there to catch me when I fall. "I just want to be what You want me to be." God's purpose. That's exactly what I want. I want to be in the center of His will for my life. Do I know what it is? I like to think I do. Deep down in my heart I really believe that God's will for my life deals with music. I love playing music -call it my "happy place." It's where I can just lose myself in God's presence and just worship Him.

For the  future wife:
Lord, right now I ask that Your loving arms and presence will just wrap around her. Cloth her in Your grace. I pray that You will give her the desires of her heart. Give her a heart like You. The bible tells us to pray without ceasing...Though we may not see our prayers being answered in the physical, they are being prepared in the spiritual, so I pray right now that she prays until she see's the manifestation in the physical. Guide and direct her step. Keep her safe. Amen!

Monday, February 23, 2015

What does it take to be a man

What is it to be a man? How and when did you learn what it takes to a man?  Thinking back to when I was a kid growing up, I saw how my dad  worked hard. He showed work ethic and good character. I  watched how he treated my mom and the interaction he had with other people. Not thinking at the time, but watching him and how he acted had a profound impact on me as I was growing up. I was fortuniate enough to have a loving family. My dad was a hard worker. He showed and had integrity. Though he wasn't as christian at the time,  he demonstrated good moral values. Though there are many resources out there, the following are just some things of what I believe takes to be a man.

Promises. Always, always try your very best to keep your promises. Whether it be something complex or simple, always strive to keep your promises. You've heard the phrase "I'm a m, an of my word?" It shows you take responsibility. It shows commitment and integrity. The trust others have in you and the trust you have in yourself and your ability to deliver on those promises will grow. Speaking with authority, and I don't mean yelling or belittling or being forceful. A man needs to have that authoritative voice.

For the future wife:
You're awesome! Put a smile on your face and walk with confidence! I am behind you 100% Sometimes in life we lose hope and go astray. Don't lose that hope. Look forward and believe in tomorrow!

Friday, February 20, 2015

Another Snow Storm

So right now I am literally sitting on my bed with a guitar in my hands...well, lap, while working on a song and typing in this blogger. First on the agenda. Snow. Yes, you heard me correctly. It's supposed to get bad again with yet another snow storm. The last couple warning seemed to be a #weatherFail because it never really accumulated to much. Guess we'll see for this one.

Second, work. I got hired for this company (which I love) and the contract they're working on is coming to a close in March. I basically work for them for a month and 17 days then the contract ends. There are talks about another contract but nothing is official and on paper as of yet. Praying that I get on that project. #IhateJobSearching

Lord help me to be humble and not fall into a mindset of entitlement. I want to have a heart of gratitude. Show me how to put my future wife first -her needs and wants before my own. Rid me of any selfishness that I may have. And above all, show me how to live how You lived and love like You loved.

For the future wife:
Lord, I pray you give her the strength and courage to face what ever my come her way. When trials and challenges come her way, I pray that you will give her a peace of mind that she'll know that everything will be just fine. I pray that discouragement will NOT over take her and she will look to You. Bless her Lord. Fill her heart with joy. Heal her from anything coming against her. I speak prosperity into her life -fill her cup and overflow it! Keep her safe from harm, Lord -protect her.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Unanswered Prayers

Have you ever listened to the song by Unanswered Prayers by Garth Brooks? Just blocking out the music, have you ever just analyzed the lyrics? It's really something...How many of us have "thought" we've been in love and prayed for that particular person to be theirs? I'll admit, I've done it. Kind of a selfish prayer now that I think about it. God really does know what he's doing...He could have been keeping me out of an even more dangerous relationship where I had no clue what would have happened. That's where I failed and was only  focused on present. I wasn't asking God "is this the woman you've chosen for me?" "is this the very best you have for me?" Stepping stones, right? Now I'm seeking God and praying for discernment for when we finally meet. 

Lord, I know that you have picked out the woman you want me to marry. You know her name, what she looks like, her personality, her past and future flaws, and that you are saving her for me. I know she wont be perfect -who is? Continue molding into the man that she deserves. I want to be the very best for her. Provide me with the tools and characteristics required to support her in her dreams and desires. Lord, I know it's be big task. I want to be a good provider for her. Continue to prepare me and equip me for this task.

For the future wife:
Remember what Proverbs 31:10 says, You are worth far more than rubies. Keep on track and don't lose hope. Keep your eyes focused on God and He will guide and project you through anything! 

Monday, February 16, 2015

Be patient

It's been a while since my last update so what better time to talk about what's been going on with a "major" winter storm happening right now. I say that jokingly because it hasn't done anything all day -it just now started to actually snow.

"Be patient and not settle." Those words go through my head more and more. I know that I don't want anything less than God's best for my life, but it's hard sometimes...Everyone around me getting in relationships or getting married makes me wonder. It makes question if I am really that undesirable. Am I really that bad? Am I that unlikable? Thoughts of the enemy, I know, but nonetheless. I know in my spirit that God has one special woman for me. She'll be all I ever wanted and the one that God has ordained for me.

For the future wife:
I pray that you are becoming strong in your relationship with God. By doing so it will allow you to make wiser decisions and you will find that by growing wiser you'll see the plan and purpose God has for your life. I also pray that you are enjoying life to it's fullest -God created a big world for us and there is so much to explore!

Lord I pray that you bless my future wife wherever she is today on her journey. Give her the strength to move one more day toward me...toward our meeting. Don't let her give up and lose heart, but rather assure her that my heart waits for her alone. Today, Lord, make her walk fruitful. Right now I pray that You will let our paths intersect in Your divine plan for our lives. Bless my future wife. Bless her beyond measure. Wherever she is in her walk to me, bless her and keep her safe.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

The Lord is good

Started my new job last Monday with great success! As many positions it was slow the first week. A lot of sitting and learning. Thank you Lord for this blessing. You are good!

Have you ever beat yourself up with words or thinking? Maybe something comes against you, causing discouragement or disappointment. I know I have, and I still occasionally do it. I know I shouldn't let those words or thoughts come in and get a hold of me, but sometimes I slip. A
 scripture that I always go it is Jeremiah 29:11. "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." It's such a great scripture and it always reminds me that the Lord knows what He's doing! 

For the future wife:
Always remember that the Lord is bigger than any battle you're facing! He is for you and He loves you! If we only knew the big picture of what God has for us...Chase your dreams. Whenever the enemy comes in and attacks your thoughts, remember Proverbs 3:24 "When you lie down, you will not be afraid; Yes when you lie down and your sleep will be sweet." Don't let the devil attack your thoughts when you sleep. You are a beautiful creation! -A work for art! God formed you in your mother womb into the woman you are today -fearfully and wonderfully created! 

I speak blessings into your life. I speak prosperity and healing into your life!