Monday, February 23, 2015

What does it take to be a man

What is it to be a man? How and when did you learn what it takes to a man?  Thinking back to when I was a kid growing up, I saw how my dad  worked hard. He showed work ethic and good character. I  watched how he treated my mom and the interaction he had with other people. Not thinking at the time, but watching him and how he acted had a profound impact on me as I was growing up. I was fortuniate enough to have a loving family. My dad was a hard worker. He showed and had integrity. Though he wasn't as christian at the time,  he demonstrated good moral values. Though there are many resources out there, the following are just some things of what I believe takes to be a man.

Promises. Always, always try your very best to keep your promises. Whether it be something complex or simple, always strive to keep your promises. You've heard the phrase "I'm a m, an of my word?" It shows you take responsibility. It shows commitment and integrity. The trust others have in you and the trust you have in yourself and your ability to deliver on those promises will grow. Speaking with authority, and I don't mean yelling or belittling or being forceful. A man needs to have that authoritative voice.

For the future wife:
You're awesome! Put a smile on your face and walk with confidence! I am behind you 100% Sometimes in life we lose hope and go astray. Don't lose that hope. Look forward and believe in tomorrow!

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