Friday, February 20, 2015

Another Snow Storm

So right now I am literally sitting on my bed with a guitar in my hands...well, lap, while working on a song and typing in this blogger. First on the agenda. Snow. Yes, you heard me correctly. It's supposed to get bad again with yet another snow storm. The last couple warning seemed to be a #weatherFail because it never really accumulated to much. Guess we'll see for this one.

Second, work. I got hired for this company (which I love) and the contract they're working on is coming to a close in March. I basically work for them for a month and 17 days then the contract ends. There are talks about another contract but nothing is official and on paper as of yet. Praying that I get on that project. #IhateJobSearching

Lord help me to be humble and not fall into a mindset of entitlement. I want to have a heart of gratitude. Show me how to put my future wife first -her needs and wants before my own. Rid me of any selfishness that I may have. And above all, show me how to live how You lived and love like You loved.

For the future wife:
Lord, I pray you give her the strength and courage to face what ever my come her way. When trials and challenges come her way, I pray that you will give her a peace of mind that she'll know that everything will be just fine. I pray that discouragement will NOT over take her and she will look to You. Bless her Lord. Fill her heart with joy. Heal her from anything coming against her. I speak prosperity into her life -fill her cup and overflow it! Keep her safe from harm, Lord -protect her.

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