Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Unanswered Prayers

Have you ever listened to the song by Unanswered Prayers by Garth Brooks? Just blocking out the music, have you ever just analyzed the lyrics? It's really something...How many of us have "thought" we've been in love and prayed for that particular person to be theirs? I'll admit, I've done it. Kind of a selfish prayer now that I think about it. God really does know what he's doing...He could have been keeping me out of an even more dangerous relationship where I had no clue what would have happened. That's where I failed and was only  focused on present. I wasn't asking God "is this the woman you've chosen for me?" "is this the very best you have for me?" Stepping stones, right? Now I'm seeking God and praying for discernment for when we finally meet. 

Lord, I know that you have picked out the woman you want me to marry. You know her name, what she looks like, her personality, her past and future flaws, and that you are saving her for me. I know she wont be perfect -who is? Continue molding into the man that she deserves. I want to be the very best for her. Provide me with the tools and characteristics required to support her in her dreams and desires. Lord, I know it's be big task. I want to be a good provider for her. Continue to prepare me and equip me for this task.

For the future wife:
Remember what Proverbs 31:10 says, You are worth far more than rubies. Keep on track and don't lose hope. Keep your eyes focused on God and He will guide and project you through anything! 

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