Tuesday, July 28, 2015

When I get married

Have you ever said "When I get married...?"

Going out to dinner or seeing couples in public I find myself making mental notes that start with that phrase. I've done it for both sides of the phrase. "When I get married, I will..." or "When I get married, I wont."

For example, Sometimes at work you may hear your coworkers talking about their spouse. Most of the time it's good, but occasionally it could be negative.

I cant help but think to myself "When I get married, I'll never do that or act that way or say that" Of course that's all the negative things I have experienced by watching couples behave. The way some husbands treat their wives is unfathomable.

Just a few examples:

When I get married, I won't....

  • become fat and lazy.
  • play video games like I did when I was a kid.
  • become a workaholic.
  • get in an over abundance of debt due to poor choices.
  • be verbally or physically abusive. 

When I get married, I will

  • be a good listener.
  • encourage my wife to go after her dreams and reach her full potential.
  • provide for my family.
  • raise my children in a Godly household.
  • let my wife know everyday how much I love her
  • be a good, Godly father to my children.
  • encourage my children to all they do.

The thought of marriage is exciting and I cant wait for the day I meet my future wife. I know God has one special lady out there for me that He is preparing. He is preparing me for her as well.

Thank you, Lord for my future wife. You are a mighty God and I know that You are preparing our paths to meet. Lord, I pray for discernment so I'll know it's her when we meet. Speak to the both of us in a loud audible voice so we'll both know. Thank you, Lord for all that You are doing in our lives.


God answers prayers

Last week I had an interview with a company for a position I wanted. I wasn't really qualified for the position, but I figured why not? After the interview one of the gentlemen told me he would give my resume to another company looking to hire in the same building. A few days later I get contacted from the company they person gave my resume to, wondering if I could interview. I was ecstatic! I get the the interview place and sit for a few minutes because I was early. After a short period of time a guy I worked with on a previous job walked in...he was one of the people interviewing me (cool, right?) Anyway, after the interview the Project Manager asked to talk with me privately. He asked the typical questions...one in particular was about my salary. I gave him a range and he looked at me and said "I think I can do better." "Awesome",  I said out loud. Long story short, I got an offer from his company and accepted it.

The reason I was looking for a new position was because my previous jobs contract had ended and I needed work. Cool thing is, I start back to work at the same location I was before. It may have taken a couple of months, but I found a position. Not only a new position, but I found favor and had an increase in salary.

God answers prayers. I've questioned God from time to time, asking "when God? When are you going to answer?" and you know, that is not the thing to do. Praise Him in the storm; that's what I should have been doing. Trust in Him no matter what. 

I do know that through this storm that God was working some things out of me. He was making me a stronger person. 

Thank You, God for everything in my life. Thank You for blessing me and for favor in my life. Thank You for my future wife, Lord. I don't know where she is right now or if I've even met her, but thank You for her. Thank You for making me the man she deserves and continuing to mold me into a man of valor. Father, right now I pray that You will protect my future wife and her loved ones. Let no harm come to them. Pour out your blessings and favor in her life, Lord. Thank You for setting our paths together for the day we meet. 


Sunday, July 19, 2015


We payed live in church this morning for worship. It's always a privilege to be able to play for the Lord. I pray that we'll get better and better each time we play. It's tough sometimes though. It's only my brother, myself, and another guy playing the bass. Drums and keys would be a great addition, but unfortunately we have a small congregation at the present. There's so much that I would love to play in a way that would lead people into an atmosphere of worship. Soon...we'll get there soon.

Have you ever asked God "What is my purpose in life?" or better yet, "What is Your will for my life?" I know I have. More times than I can count. Ever seem as if you never hear back? Again, I know I have felt that way from time to time. If we only knew the true purpose that God has for us...Sometimes I think the purpose would be so grand that we couldn't comprehend or fathom its nature. I want to be in the center of the plan that God has for my life. I want to know without a shadow of a doubt that I am where God wants me. Am I there yet? No, I don't believe so, but I will get there soon, I know it.

More so now, I beat myself up over things I shouldn't. I tell myself:

I'm not good enough.
I'm not smart enough.
I'm ugly.
There's no way they would like me.
There's nothing special about me.
I'm too short -women don't like short guys. (this is a BIG one for me)

Each one of those is very justifiable as to why I tell myself those things. Take the first one for example. It always seems as if I am always skipped over in everything I try to do. Does it mean that I'm not good enough? Of course not, but as many times as it has happened to me I've began to think that.

Second one. Same thing. There always seems to be someone better that is chosen over me.

Third one. Let's see, I haven't dated in almost 4 years. Every relationship I've tried to get in ends in betrayal or just being played. I seem to be "that" nice guy but I'm never relationship material. I just really feel like I am never really noticed by women.

You get the point...just some things that I need to work on.   

So yeah, this post was a little different...more about me, but I haven't forgotten about you.

Lord, I pray right now if my future wife is struggling with any insecurities that you begin to speak to her and let her know just how special she is. Revel to her that she doesn't need those insecurities in her life. She is a queen. An heir to the throne.  A daughter of the most high God. Begin to work any insecurities that she may have out of her life as You are mine.  I also pray that You will show her the will You have for her life so that she may walk in her God called destiny. Bless her, Lord. Continue to pour out Your favor in her life. Also, protect her where ever she is and where ever she goes. Protect her family and her loved ones. Just be with her always. Let her know that You are with her and watching over her. Amen

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

First dates

Today must have been random thinking day. Not that I do a lot of random thinking, but while mowing grass today I started thinking of first date questions. Because that's what you do on first dates, right? Try to get to know each other. All of this while mowing grass too...weird. Anyway, here are few questions that I thought of.

1. If you could attend college all over again, what would you study?
2. What's your favorite restaurant?
3. What's on your playlist these days?
4. Okay, you've won the lottery. How would spend the money?
5. Are you a morning or night person?
6. What's the last good movie you saw?
7. Collect anything?
8. What's your dream job?
9. Do you have a favorite season?
10. What was your favorite cartoon character growing up?

No particular order of course, but those were just some random thoughts going through my head.

First dates are always so nerve racking -at least for me. Those butterflies you get, the expectation, the nervousness. All good things I suppose, but it sure is annoying.

I plead the blood of Jesus over my future wife. I claim His protection over her. Not only over her life, but over her family, her health, her finances, her travel, her ministry, her vehicles, and everything the Lord has given her. Guide her, Lord, direct, correct and protect her in all the paths of her life. Give her wisdom. Speak to her heart and let her know that You are hearing her prayers. I speak blessings and favor into her life. Show her You will for her life, God.

Mold me into the man my future wife needs. Lord, I confess my fears and insecurities and declare them null and void. They have no hold on me. Lead and direct me.


Monday, July 13, 2015

Work week

Lord, I don't know who my future wife will be but you do. You know all things. So right now I make statement of faith and I willingly decide to trust you with my life so that you will guide our paths together. Lord, give my future wife a great and blessed work week. Let it be stress free and without incident. Help her to keep her eyes on you in all things, even when things get tough. I pray that you will guide her in making the right choices and decisions this week. Speak to her and let her know that that You love her. She is Your child first, God. Lead and direct her path. Thank you, Father. May she bring glory to Your name always.  Amen.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Present your requests to God

Philippians 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God

That is exactly what we as Christians need to do. The bibles says all we need is the faith of a mustard seed. When we do present our prayers to God, we should just believe that it is answered as soon as we speak it. Don't be anxious and worry about it, but believe and trust Got that it is already done. 

That verse speaks to me very loudly. Occasionally I let my flesh get in the way and I start to doubt because I don't see God answering my prayers. Like me, you may sometimes think that it is impossible, but let tell you this. Nothing is impossible for God.

Future wife:
I absolutely cannot wait to meet you. I'm excited for the day we meet and I know without a shadow of a doubt that when we do meet that I will know for sure that you are the one. I pray that God will give us both the discernment so we will both know. It is actually quite hard praying for someone you've never met, but it is something that God put on my heart to do about a year ago. Actually physically typing or writing out a simple prayer, You might be reading this now or you may not, but I want you to know that I am waiting on you. Lord, right now I lift my future wife up to You in prayer. I don't know where she is or what she is going through, but You do. You know what she is praying, what she needs, what she wants. You know the desires of her heart. I ask right now that You will begin to manifest those prayers in her life so she will start to see them answered. 

Lord, I also pray that You will continue to mold me into the man she is looking for. Prepare my heart -prepare me for when we meet. Mold and prepare me into the man that will lead his family after the heart of God. Hear my prayer o Lord. 

As always, continue to watch over and protect her. Continue to bless and pour out Your favor on her life. Lead and guide her...


Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Power of our mouth

I choose to believe this important promise: "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope" Jeremiah 29:11

I always seem to go back to that scripture. No matter what version you read it sill gets the meaning across. We're never alone when God is with us.

The power of life and death is in the tongue Proverbs 18:31 . We have to align our mouth with the word of God and speak His promises over our situations. We can't go speaking negatively and expect God to move. God has been dealing with me on things like that. Sometime I'll find myself speaking something contrary to God's word. Not because I don't believe, but usually because I am joking around and not really meaning anything by it. That's exactly what I need to stop doing. It doesn't matter what the situation my look like, speak God's word over it no matter how hard it may be.

Lord right now I pray that my future wife is speaking Your word over her life. I pray that no matter how bleak the situation may look that she stands her ground and confesses Your word over it. Continue to bless her and be with her ever step she takes. Guide and direct her. Make her path straight. Anoint her hands so that everything she touches is for the glory of God. Pour out Your favor in her life. Put a hedge of protection around her where ever she goes. Be with her always. Amen