Tuesday, July 28, 2015

God answers prayers

Last week I had an interview with a company for a position I wanted. I wasn't really qualified for the position, but I figured why not? After the interview one of the gentlemen told me he would give my resume to another company looking to hire in the same building. A few days later I get contacted from the company they person gave my resume to, wondering if I could interview. I was ecstatic! I get the the interview place and sit for a few minutes because I was early. After a short period of time a guy I worked with on a previous job walked in...he was one of the people interviewing me (cool, right?) Anyway, after the interview the Project Manager asked to talk with me privately. He asked the typical questions...one in particular was about my salary. I gave him a range and he looked at me and said "I think I can do better." "Awesome",  I said out loud. Long story short, I got an offer from his company and accepted it.

The reason I was looking for a new position was because my previous jobs contract had ended and I needed work. Cool thing is, I start back to work at the same location I was before. It may have taken a couple of months, but I found a position. Not only a new position, but I found favor and had an increase in salary.

God answers prayers. I've questioned God from time to time, asking "when God? When are you going to answer?" and you know, that is not the thing to do. Praise Him in the storm; that's what I should have been doing. Trust in Him no matter what. 

I do know that through this storm that God was working some things out of me. He was making me a stronger person. 

Thank You, God for everything in my life. Thank You for blessing me and for favor in my life. Thank You for my future wife, Lord. I don't know where she is right now or if I've even met her, but thank You for her. Thank You for making me the man she deserves and continuing to mold me into a man of valor. Father, right now I pray that You will protect my future wife and her loved ones. Let no harm come to them. Pour out your blessings and favor in her life, Lord. Thank You for setting our paths together for the day we meet. 


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