Tuesday, July 28, 2015

When I get married

Have you ever said "When I get married...?"

Going out to dinner or seeing couples in public I find myself making mental notes that start with that phrase. I've done it for both sides of the phrase. "When I get married, I will..." or "When I get married, I wont."

For example, Sometimes at work you may hear your coworkers talking about their spouse. Most of the time it's good, but occasionally it could be negative.

I cant help but think to myself "When I get married, I'll never do that or act that way or say that" Of course that's all the negative things I have experienced by watching couples behave. The way some husbands treat their wives is unfathomable.

Just a few examples:

When I get married, I won't....

  • become fat and lazy.
  • play video games like I did when I was a kid.
  • become a workaholic.
  • get in an over abundance of debt due to poor choices.
  • be verbally or physically abusive. 

When I get married, I will

  • be a good listener.
  • encourage my wife to go after her dreams and reach her full potential.
  • provide for my family.
  • raise my children in a Godly household.
  • let my wife know everyday how much I love her
  • be a good, Godly father to my children.
  • encourage my children to all they do.

The thought of marriage is exciting and I cant wait for the day I meet my future wife. I know God has one special lady out there for me that He is preparing. He is preparing me for her as well.

Thank you, Lord for my future wife. You are a mighty God and I know that You are preparing our paths to meet. Lord, I pray for discernment so I'll know it's her when we meet. Speak to the both of us in a loud audible voice so we'll both know. Thank you, Lord for all that You are doing in our lives.


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