Tuesday, July 14, 2015

First dates

Today must have been random thinking day. Not that I do a lot of random thinking, but while mowing grass today I started thinking of first date questions. Because that's what you do on first dates, right? Try to get to know each other. All of this while mowing grass too...weird. Anyway, here are few questions that I thought of.

1. If you could attend college all over again, what would you study?
2. What's your favorite restaurant?
3. What's on your playlist these days?
4. Okay, you've won the lottery. How would spend the money?
5. Are you a morning or night person?
6. What's the last good movie you saw?
7. Collect anything?
8. What's your dream job?
9. Do you have a favorite season?
10. What was your favorite cartoon character growing up?

No particular order of course, but those were just some random thoughts going through my head.

First dates are always so nerve racking -at least for me. Those butterflies you get, the expectation, the nervousness. All good things I suppose, but it sure is annoying.

I plead the blood of Jesus over my future wife. I claim His protection over her. Not only over her life, but over her family, her health, her finances, her travel, her ministry, her vehicles, and everything the Lord has given her. Guide her, Lord, direct, correct and protect her in all the paths of her life. Give her wisdom. Speak to her heart and let her know that You are hearing her prayers. I speak blessings and favor into her life. Show her You will for her life, God.

Mold me into the man my future wife needs. Lord, I confess my fears and insecurities and declare them null and void. They have no hold on me. Lead and direct me.


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