Sunday, July 12, 2015

Present your requests to God

Philippians 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God

That is exactly what we as Christians need to do. The bibles says all we need is the faith of a mustard seed. When we do present our prayers to God, we should just believe that it is answered as soon as we speak it. Don't be anxious and worry about it, but believe and trust Got that it is already done. 

That verse speaks to me very loudly. Occasionally I let my flesh get in the way and I start to doubt because I don't see God answering my prayers. Like me, you may sometimes think that it is impossible, but let tell you this. Nothing is impossible for God.

Future wife:
I absolutely cannot wait to meet you. I'm excited for the day we meet and I know without a shadow of a doubt that when we do meet that I will know for sure that you are the one. I pray that God will give us both the discernment so we will both know. It is actually quite hard praying for someone you've never met, but it is something that God put on my heart to do about a year ago. Actually physically typing or writing out a simple prayer, You might be reading this now or you may not, but I want you to know that I am waiting on you. Lord, right now I lift my future wife up to You in prayer. I don't know where she is or what she is going through, but You do. You know what she is praying, what she needs, what she wants. You know the desires of her heart. I ask right now that You will begin to manifest those prayers in her life so she will start to see them answered. 

Lord, I also pray that You will continue to mold me into the man she is looking for. Prepare my heart -prepare me for when we meet. Mold and prepare me into the man that will lead his family after the heart of God. Hear my prayer o Lord. 

As always, continue to watch over and protect her. Continue to bless and pour out Your favor on her life. Lead and guide her...


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