Monday, March 30, 2015

Doing things differently

Since the weather is breaking I thought maybe it would be nice if I started my running schedule again. After working chest and back exercises -which consisted of a ton of push-ups and pull-ups, I went for a short run. It's funny how your mind can just wonder when you're out in nature. The sun was shining and the wind was blowing. It wasn't too bad of a day for the most part -the sun was warm when the wind would die down. Anyway, I saw some little kids out playing in a yard, just having a good time, and I sparked memories of myself as a kid.

For me as a kid it meant going to Grandma and Grandpa's early in the morning while mom went to work -she's a teacher. Every morning mom would take me to their house, drop me off and drive to work, and every morning around breakfast time, Grandma and Grandpa would take me to Hardee's. It's crazy how you can remember those events from such a long time ago. 

Eventually I started school, caught the school bus from my Grandma and Grandpa's and rode it home their house when school was finished. After getting off the bus it was play time until my mom came and picked me up -which wouldn't be for a few hours. Sometimes my cousins would be there and we'd play outside in the woods. I remember there was this huge (well, it's not so huge now) rock that we called "The split rock." because it was split in three pieces. So many good memories playing on that. 

When I was old enough the play sports I started playing little league basketball and softball. The older I got the meaner my dad seemed to get when I played. I'd do something "stupid" and he would yell at me. I felt embarrassed when he would come to my games. It came to the point when I started playing grasshopper basketball that I told him I didn't what him coming to my games because all he would do is yell. I know deep down that he probably thought he was helping, he just didn't know how to express it. 

To make a long story short, I stated thinking of my future children how I would do things differently then how my dad did to me. Of course in his defense, he wasn't a christian back then and didn't know better. Thank the Lord he changed his life.

For the future wife:
You are a virtuous woman - a woman of noble character. A daughter of the most high God - an heir to the throne! I pray that God continues to lead and guide you with all you do! Bless her Lord -Bless her beyond measure. Keep her safe from harm and let no ill will come to her. Amen!  

Sunday, March 29, 2015

The things people say

The things people tell you....They sometimes spark a memory or thought that you wouldn't otherwise think on your own freewill. 

I've been letting my mind get the best of me over the past couple of days, and I'm not really sure why. The thought of always being single plague my mind to a point where I can't stake them. When you're looking for a partner and not succeeding, it's inevitable for those thoughts to creep in. I just feel as if I have been single for such a long period of time that I don't even know the rules anymore. I don't even know what is expected of me. I suppose the perception I hold of myself plays a part in the whole thinking as well. I'm a sort guy -5'4. I've had very little success in the dating world because of my height. And I know what you're thinking, I thought the same thing...up until I am told "You're too short for me." -And not just one time, this has happened multiple times! I'm not what you'd call a hunk, in fact I'm kind of skinny. Blow after blow it starts to have an impact on your confidence level. Then comes the whole idea of meeting people. I work with a bunch of guys. There are no women around me so meeting someone at the work place is out. There are no women my age at my church, so church is out. I live in a super small town with nothing to do, so that is out.  Maybe I'm just lazy...

So yeah, I've been dealing with those thoughts for the past few days...keep me in your prayers

For the future wife:
So,  I'm going to try and relate this to my top post. I hope you don't think those thoughts too. Always remember how much you are loved by Jesus. He loves us so much had He was willing to die for us. He paid the ultimate price for each and every one of us. Lord, I pray right now for my future wife wherever she is in life. Be with her right now. Send your angles to her location and protect her. Speak to her mind; comfort her. Let her know that You are with her. Bless her, Father. Pour out your unmerited favor on her life. Lead and guide her, Lord in her journey.  

Thursday, March 26, 2015

equally yoked

How many of you have heard the importance of being equally yoked and the importance of it? Like many people, I heard it preached in church numerous times. I knew what God's word said and I knew how dangerous it was to unequally yoked in a relationship. Still, I ignored those teachings and have always got my heart broken. I didn't listen to the voice of God when he spoke to me...Thank God for His mercy and grace.

Godly woman. Godly relationship.

I do miss being in a relationship. I miss the fun the dates, the fun of finding things in common with that person, and just that companionship knowing someone actually cares for you. Being from a small town where the closest city is 40+ minutes away makes it hard to meet people -it really does. People will disagree, but to me it's a challenge. I'm not a bar type of guy -what kind of Christian woman are you going to meet in a bar?  I sort of made a New Years resolution to myself that I would attempt to meet more people and so far I'm failing miserably. It's only February though.  

For the future wife.
Always remember that God fights for us! He is for us and not against us. If we ever need something, all we have to do is call on His name and He is faithful to answer. Never think that you are never enough. You are more than enough -you have God on your side. I speak confidence into your life. I speak blessings into your life! I speak wholeness into your life! You are an amazing woman - bold, fearless, faithful woman. You are beautiful, caring, and compassionate. Never let the enemy speak those negative words to you.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Songs for sunday

Practice for Sunday's worship service went well. Song line up is 1: Days of Elijah 2. Blessed be your name, 3. Our God, 4. Cornerstone. Still need a drummer, but I think we did well without one. I'm still waiting for my new guitar -I like my Ovation, but I want an all wood guitar. So yeah, it's been awhile since we last played -mostly due to weather. Those freak snow storms canceling church pushed us back. I will be the first to admit that there is still a bunch of stuff for me to learn on guitar, but I absolutely love playing. It's one thing that I could never give up and I am so thankful for the person who taught me how to play. It's one ability that I hope to pass down to my future children.

For the future wife:

Lord, continue to make her a woman of noble character, compassion, wisdom, diligence, and skill in whatever she puts her hands to. I ask right now, in Jesus name that you will replace any insecurities she my have with the ability to trust you and to rest in your word. Be her shield and guard her from the evil one. Let your favor rest upon her. Bless her and prosper her.

Friday, March 20, 2015

First day of spring

Have there been times in the past when you tried and failed at something?  I know I have. I've had my share of failures through life. I think sometimes that I am afraid of failure -or just afraid to fail. I've over come many obstacles in my past and occasionally had to dust myself off and try again, but still, deep down, I feel like that fear still lingers.  Maybe I'm afraid that I wont measure up. Anyway, I did some reading, and this phrase came to me: "Man's expectations do not determine your success." Then I hear God say: "Who says you're a failure?"

First day of spring by the way...

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Almost wrecked today

Thank you to anyone who was praying for me today. I came super close to being in a vehicle accident while driving home from work. I'm actually thankful I drove my Evo today because it handles like a dream. The wide tires on it make it stick to the road. Scared me because I thought "Oh no..." I've only had my Evo since 2012 and it'll make 3 years this May. Thank the Lord though! It kind of makes me want to take it to a track just to see what it can do. So yeah, that was my enticement.

My Nintendo Amiibo collection is coming along nicely. I'm a little late on the bandwagon so I have to play catch up, but I'm getting closer to owning them all.

For the future wife:

Exodus 14:14 says "The Lord will fight for you; You only need to be still"  How cool is it to know that?! The Lord fights for us! Those battles where there's no way we can win in our own strength, God is there with us! All we need is to trust and rely on Him. He will never leave us or forsake us...
When those hard times come your way, trust in God. Put your faith to the test -faith of a mustard seed is all we need. You are a strong courageous woman of God. You don't know how special and loved you are. You are beautiful inside and out! Keep doing your thing -keep trusting in God -keep your faith and believe that God will deliver on His word!

Lord, keep her safe. Send your Angels and place a hedge of protection to surround her. Let no evil or harm come near her. She is your daughter, Lord. Heal any emotional scars she may have. Heal her physically if she needs it. I thank you for all You do, Lord. Amen and amen.

Sunday, March 15, 2015


Have you ever written a letter to someone you have never met? It’s staring at a blank canvas. Where to begin, what to say or ask? Questions fill your mind…..

I learned at an early age to be encouraging –to mind what you say – “do unto others…”so to speak. I can remember all through elementary school, and even through Jr High School that some of my friends would make fun of those who were less fortunate than themselves. Seeing how hurt they were afterwards was an awful feeling. I always tried to say something nice or talk to them when no one else would -which always seemed to cheer them up. Even I was occasionally picked on –mostly because my mother was our gym teacher. I was basically labeled the kid that couldn’t get in trouble because his mom was a teacher. My friends were all taller than me so I would always get picked on because of my height. It always made me mad, and I would never let my shortness cause other kids to intimidate me.

Encouragement…it’s a wonderful thing. We should all take the time to encourage someone throughout our day.

Did some random thinking today and a question came to mind that I would like to ask those in a relationship: “Why do you feel the way you do about dating your partner?” Could they come up with an answer?  Believe me, I know the feeling, there is nothing like the feeling of being loved! But if asked the question, could you readily identify any practical reasons? From my relationship experience, I could have come up with reasons –easily. Relationships based on lust probably aren’t going to last. If you are just basing your relationship on looks then it will probably end sooner then you expect. Take the time to get to know your partner. Put forth effort in finding out things about them.

Future wife:

Like the first few sentences state above, writing to someone you’ve never met is hard, but I want to encourage you today. You are one remarkable woman! A woman of noble character! Today you are one step closer to your goals. You are strong, you are worthy, you are beautiful, and you are perfect! Remember, in all that you do. Nothing is impossible with God! 

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Wise advice

It can be frustrating when when one falls over and over again. The pain and disappointment that is endured sometimes causes us to rethink trying again. One thing my dad taught me while growing up was to never quit. The phrase "Quitters never win." comes to mind, right? Well, that's me. I strive to complete, because we all know the end goal is greater than the pain of the present.  You and I have stayed the course and have made it a quest to wait for each other. Back when I was in college, I was taking this night class. Super long three hour, once a week class on Wednesday nights from 6-9 p.m. It was actually a Speech Communications class where we'd basically give a few speeches and do a ton of group work! I would usually get there early and play an older piano that was in the classroom -come to think of it, I believe the room was once a music room. One of those nights, an older gentlemen who was also in my class -he must have been in his 70's -just taking classes to take them, came to class early too. No ever sure how we got on the subject, but he asked if I had a girlfriend or if I'd found "the one" yet. "No," I replied, "But I'm still searching..." He smiled and said he married his lovely bride after graduating high school. One of the last things we said to me was..."Wait for a woman who truly captures your heart in such a way, that every beat acts as a drum roll for her arrival. Wait for the one who takes your breath away -fall in love with her ever day of your life".   Such wise advice he gave.

Lord, you know my heart. You know my desires. Lord whatever you want is what I want. I know that You have a very special lady out there for me. I pry right now that You will continue to mold me into the man she deserves. Mold me into a man of valor. Prepare me for her, Lord....prepare me and equip me to everything she deserves. Thank You, Lord, for all that you do and answering my prayer. Amen!

Monday, March 9, 2015


Sometimes I think I let my singleness get to me. Sure it's fun being single. I've experienced many amazing things. All of which I am very grateful, but having a partner to share them with would have been sweeter. Hiking trips, vacations, camping, etc...Still, having someone around would have made the trips even more fun. Even the littlest thing such as running a race -Color Me Rad, for example, would be a ton more fun...

It's not all that bad I suppose. If I want to sit around in my underwear all day and play video games, who's to stop me? If I want to eat an entire cake or pizza -I can. If I want to eat out of the ice cream carton then "go me."

At any rate, I will continue this journey until I find her...

For the future wife:

Fill her life with joy - a joy in You that reaches beyond material riches. A joy that says without a doubt "I will go where you go and anything if You are in it." Give her a peace of mind that confirms this in her faith.  Lord, I pray right now that any difficulties in her life are made well. I speak those those situations in Jesus' name and declare them void! I pray right now for her success. I pray that she prospers in what ever she does for the glory of your kingdom. Continue to bless her, Lord. Keep her safe and secure.


Sunday, March 1, 2015

Fear, doubt, unbelief

Took my car down to the garage this afternoon for Monday's appointment. Yet another recall -this time it's the AWC unit.  It's really the first time my Evo has been out in the snow, so I was surprised of how good it actually went.

Ever have one of those days where it seems as if your brain is on overload? You cant stop thinking -no matter what it is. It doesn't even have to be important (but usually it is). Well, that has been me today. Seems like I cant get my mind to settle down. First, I started thinking about my job. The contract I am working on is about to end and I could possibly be unemployed...again. Next, I start thinking about the certification exam I failed and when I will be ready for a retake (which has to be soon because it's required for my job). Then then I start thinking about three words. "Fear, Doubt, and Unbelief." I know it's God speaking to me, because why else would those words come to me? It's something I still struggle with -probably shouldn't, but I still do. The fear of losing my job. Not because of anything I did, but because of and end of contract. Loss of job means unemployment. I hate being unemployed. "What if I cant find another job?" "How long will it take before I find another job?" Now the word "doubt" comes in. I can hear God saying "Why do you doubt  Me?" "Haven't I brought you this far?" God will never leave us of forsake us -I know this, but I still sometimes let the enemy lie to me. It's not that I have unbelief in God. I know who He is and what He can do. I've seen him work in my life and peoples around me....I guess I sometimes focus too much on that the enemy is saying instead of listening to God's voice. I'm working in it and with God's grace I'll get it!

For the future wife:
I pray right now that you will not listen to the lies of the enemy. When thoughts come against you telling you the opposite of God's word, smack those thoughts down. Focus on what God says! Be strong and bold! Don't let the enemy speak those lies to you.  I pray that God is breaking you out of where you are. If anything is holding you back from reaching your full potential in Christ, I pray those chains are broken off you! You have so much to offer...You're a daughter of the most High God! Bless her Lord, bless her beyond measure -pressed down, shaken together, and running over. Keep her safe in all that she does. Amen and amen!