Sunday, March 1, 2015

Fear, doubt, unbelief

Took my car down to the garage this afternoon for Monday's appointment. Yet another recall -this time it's the AWC unit.  It's really the first time my Evo has been out in the snow, so I was surprised of how good it actually went.

Ever have one of those days where it seems as if your brain is on overload? You cant stop thinking -no matter what it is. It doesn't even have to be important (but usually it is). Well, that has been me today. Seems like I cant get my mind to settle down. First, I started thinking about my job. The contract I am working on is about to end and I could possibly be unemployed...again. Next, I start thinking about the certification exam I failed and when I will be ready for a retake (which has to be soon because it's required for my job). Then then I start thinking about three words. "Fear, Doubt, and Unbelief." I know it's God speaking to me, because why else would those words come to me? It's something I still struggle with -probably shouldn't, but I still do. The fear of losing my job. Not because of anything I did, but because of and end of contract. Loss of job means unemployment. I hate being unemployed. "What if I cant find another job?" "How long will it take before I find another job?" Now the word "doubt" comes in. I can hear God saying "Why do you doubt  Me?" "Haven't I brought you this far?" God will never leave us of forsake us -I know this, but I still sometimes let the enemy lie to me. It's not that I have unbelief in God. I know who He is and what He can do. I've seen him work in my life and peoples around me....I guess I sometimes focus too much on that the enemy is saying instead of listening to God's voice. I'm working in it and with God's grace I'll get it!

For the future wife:
I pray right now that you will not listen to the lies of the enemy. When thoughts come against you telling you the opposite of God's word, smack those thoughts down. Focus on what God says! Be strong and bold! Don't let the enemy speak those lies to you.  I pray that God is breaking you out of where you are. If anything is holding you back from reaching your full potential in Christ, I pray those chains are broken off you! You have so much to offer...You're a daughter of the most High God! Bless her Lord, bless her beyond measure -pressed down, shaken together, and running over. Keep her safe in all that she does. Amen and amen!  

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