Thursday, March 26, 2015

equally yoked

How many of you have heard the importance of being equally yoked and the importance of it? Like many people, I heard it preached in church numerous times. I knew what God's word said and I knew how dangerous it was to unequally yoked in a relationship. Still, I ignored those teachings and have always got my heart broken. I didn't listen to the voice of God when he spoke to me...Thank God for His mercy and grace.

Godly woman. Godly relationship.

I do miss being in a relationship. I miss the fun the dates, the fun of finding things in common with that person, and just that companionship knowing someone actually cares for you. Being from a small town where the closest city is 40+ minutes away makes it hard to meet people -it really does. People will disagree, but to me it's a challenge. I'm not a bar type of guy -what kind of Christian woman are you going to meet in a bar?  I sort of made a New Years resolution to myself that I would attempt to meet more people and so far I'm failing miserably. It's only February though.  

For the future wife.
Always remember that God fights for us! He is for us and not against us. If we ever need something, all we have to do is call on His name and He is faithful to answer. Never think that you are never enough. You are more than enough -you have God on your side. I speak confidence into your life. I speak blessings into your life! I speak wholeness into your life! You are an amazing woman - bold, fearless, faithful woman. You are beautiful, caring, and compassionate. Never let the enemy speak those negative words to you.

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