Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Wise advice

It can be frustrating when when one falls over and over again. The pain and disappointment that is endured sometimes causes us to rethink trying again. One thing my dad taught me while growing up was to never quit. The phrase "Quitters never win." comes to mind, right? Well, that's me. I strive to complete, because we all know the end goal is greater than the pain of the present.  You and I have stayed the course and have made it a quest to wait for each other. Back when I was in college, I was taking this night class. Super long three hour, once a week class on Wednesday nights from 6-9 p.m. It was actually a Speech Communications class where we'd basically give a few speeches and do a ton of group work! I would usually get there early and play an older piano that was in the classroom -come to think of it, I believe the room was once a music room. One of those nights, an older gentlemen who was also in my class -he must have been in his 70's -just taking classes to take them, came to class early too. No ever sure how we got on the subject, but he asked if I had a girlfriend or if I'd found "the one" yet. "No," I replied, "But I'm still searching..." He smiled and said he married his lovely bride after graduating high school. One of the last things we said to me was..."Wait for a woman who truly captures your heart in such a way, that every beat acts as a drum roll for her arrival. Wait for the one who takes your breath away -fall in love with her ever day of your life".   Such wise advice he gave.

Lord, you know my heart. You know my desires. Lord whatever you want is what I want. I know that You have a very special lady out there for me. I pry right now that You will continue to mold me into the man she deserves. Mold me into a man of valor. Prepare me for her, Lord....prepare me and equip me to everything she deserves. Thank You, Lord, for all that you do and answering my prayer. Amen!

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