Monday, March 9, 2015


Sometimes I think I let my singleness get to me. Sure it's fun being single. I've experienced many amazing things. All of which I am very grateful, but having a partner to share them with would have been sweeter. Hiking trips, vacations, camping, etc...Still, having someone around would have made the trips even more fun. Even the littlest thing such as running a race -Color Me Rad, for example, would be a ton more fun...

It's not all that bad I suppose. If I want to sit around in my underwear all day and play video games, who's to stop me? If I want to eat an entire cake or pizza -I can. If I want to eat out of the ice cream carton then "go me."

At any rate, I will continue this journey until I find her...

For the future wife:

Fill her life with joy - a joy in You that reaches beyond material riches. A joy that says without a doubt "I will go where you go and anything if You are in it." Give her a peace of mind that confirms this in her faith.  Lord, I pray right now that any difficulties in her life are made well. I speak those those situations in Jesus' name and declare them void! I pray right now for her success. I pray that she prospers in what ever she does for the glory of your kingdom. Continue to bless her, Lord. Keep her safe and secure.


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