Monday, March 30, 2015

Doing things differently

Since the weather is breaking I thought maybe it would be nice if I started my running schedule again. After working chest and back exercises -which consisted of a ton of push-ups and pull-ups, I went for a short run. It's funny how your mind can just wonder when you're out in nature. The sun was shining and the wind was blowing. It wasn't too bad of a day for the most part -the sun was warm when the wind would die down. Anyway, I saw some little kids out playing in a yard, just having a good time, and I sparked memories of myself as a kid.

For me as a kid it meant going to Grandma and Grandpa's early in the morning while mom went to work -she's a teacher. Every morning mom would take me to their house, drop me off and drive to work, and every morning around breakfast time, Grandma and Grandpa would take me to Hardee's. It's crazy how you can remember those events from such a long time ago. 

Eventually I started school, caught the school bus from my Grandma and Grandpa's and rode it home their house when school was finished. After getting off the bus it was play time until my mom came and picked me up -which wouldn't be for a few hours. Sometimes my cousins would be there and we'd play outside in the woods. I remember there was this huge (well, it's not so huge now) rock that we called "The split rock." because it was split in three pieces. So many good memories playing on that. 

When I was old enough the play sports I started playing little league basketball and softball. The older I got the meaner my dad seemed to get when I played. I'd do something "stupid" and he would yell at me. I felt embarrassed when he would come to my games. It came to the point when I started playing grasshopper basketball that I told him I didn't what him coming to my games because all he would do is yell. I know deep down that he probably thought he was helping, he just didn't know how to express it. 

To make a long story short, I stated thinking of my future children how I would do things differently then how my dad did to me. Of course in his defense, he wasn't a christian back then and didn't know better. Thank the Lord he changed his life.

For the future wife:
You are a virtuous woman - a woman of noble character. A daughter of the most high God - an heir to the throne! I pray that God continues to lead and guide you with all you do! Bless her Lord -Bless her beyond measure. Keep her safe from harm and let no ill will come to her. Amen!  

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